Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wed., 5/15/24, Made oriole food and put my old oriole feeder out, Kimmy and Jacob came over, Went to Kroger, Tim Hortons, Menards, Cabela’s, Meijer, and Pet Smart, god new Clam, Did some weeding, Bill prepared for his colonoscopy...poor boy,

Isaac in the middle.  These youth from our church went and cleaned up the park as a service project
My Clematis is getting lots of blossoms
Kimmy releasing goldfish into my pond
So brightly colored and so fun to watch
My oriole on my old jelly feeder I just found in the shed
Red Headed Woodpecker was here lots this evening

Kit Kat laying by me on the glider.  She sure loves attention.

I made oriole food, then went out and filled the old feeder and hung it up and took the new feeder down.  They have always loved the old feeder and I’ve only seen one got to the new feeder and it didn’t stay there.  I put my other jelly feeder out too and filled it and the other one. 

Kimmy and Jacob came over and spent the day.  I had texted Jared’s mom, Lela, to get advice on how to catch chipmunks since they are so good at it.  She called me and was surprised when she got 3 for 1.  Jacob and Kimmy talked to her too.  She gave me some great advice I am going to try.  

Bill took Charlie to take his tractor in.  Charlie doesn’t have a trailer any more.  They enjoyed hanging out.  Kimmy, Jacob and I went to Kroger and I ran in to see if they had a swing Kimmy would like.  I took a picture.  It has a full cushion across the seat and we like individual ones.  The price has gone up since I got my nice swings.  It was $99 and now they are $219. Wowza!  We went to Tim Horton’s and Kimmy and I got French Vanilla Cappuccinos, and blueberry muffins.  Jacob got an Ice Capp and a donut.  We went to Menards to check for a swing after that.  They didn’t have any in the store and none online Kimmy liked.  Went to Cabela’s after that and I got a Clam, and Kimmy got hats for Eli and Adam.  Jacob was our model.  We went to Meijer’s for our next stop and I picked up stuff for Bill to have while he is in the preparation mode for his big C.  Kimmy got a poncho for Eli for his trip to Washington D.C.  She got gas, then remembered we didn’t get the goldfish for my pond, so we drove to get 10 of them.  

We got home and I put the groceries away, while Kimmy got the goldfish acclimated to the pond temp.  Jacob put the Clam in the garage for me.  We came in and Jacob wanted a PB & J and Kimmy and I had chicken noodle casserole.  After lunch, Jacob fixed my watch so the Timer worked, then we went out and released the goldfish into the pond water.  They look so cute!  

We sat out on the deck for Kimmy’s last few minutes here and visited.  Vikki called and we talked to her.  Then Kimmy and Jacob had to leave.  We sure enjoyed our time together.  I moved a plant over in the front and then moved some ground cover into the place it was.  Bill weed wacked and mowed around things.  It looks so nice after it’s all done.  Bill also power washed Vikki’s grass picker upper she found along the side of the road, and the tractor.  I took a chair that had green algae on it, from the deck and rolled it to the shed where he washed it for me.  It looks great now and no more green.  Yay!

I FaceTimed with Kenzie, Rehvyn and Travis.  Our baby boy is always smiling.  Kenzie was silly and turned us in to hairy colorful characters.  Then Vikki and Peyton joined in on Face time.  How fun and lots of laughs.  

Melissa called and we talked for a long time, then Vikki called.  I forgot to take any pictures of Jacob today.  Bummer!

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