Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wed., 5/22/24, cleaned house, grocery shopped, watched bluebirds, Facetimed with Kenzie andcRehvyn and also Vikki and Peyton, Vikki and Isaac had eye appts. And ordered glasses, packed some stuff in camper

My Clematis was so beautiful this morning in the sunshine.  It sure is loaded with blossoms
Male bluebird in flight on the left of the birdhouse.  Female on top of the bird house
Mrs. Bluebird was busy as could be and sat on top of the bird house lots even until 8 p.m.
Mr. was busy too, but mostly flying to and from the bird house and going in instead of sitting on top
After I shopped at Sam’s club, I got a piece of deluxe pizza and a big pop combo for $2.50.  I couldn’t believe how big the pizza was.  The picture doesn’t even look as big as it was.  I couldn’t even eat it all. I never have done this before, but will be doing it again.  It was so good.

It was nice out this morning and 70 degrees, so I opened up windows and doors and turned the attic fan on to suck in the cool air.  It works great to cool the house down before we get  the air conditioner in.  Bill met Charlie for coffee.  Charlie said that he didn’t have to have much fluid taken off the lung that usually has lots.  He said it was a miracle.  
My foot was great today. l could even go up and down stairs without it hurting at all.  Dr. did a great job freezing it yesterday.  I vacuumed the downstairs and scrubbed all of the hard floors on my knees.  I thought of Bill’s grandma asking us to get her knee pads when she was 77 so she could scrub her floor.  I used kneeling pads that are for the garden and they worked quite nicely.  Sure helps be comfy while you scrub.  Kenzie FaceTimed me and talked for a while.  I got to see my precious Rehvyn and talk to him too.  He was smiley as usual.  Kenzie was making cabbage buns so was making the dough.  Talking to her is what made me decide they would be good to bring camping.

I ate a late breakfast and then read my Bible out on the deck.  I bird watched too.  I was super happy when I saw the female bluebird on the house. At first I wasn’t sure because I was far away, but then I saw the male bluebird and I knew for sure.  I haven’t seen them since Kimmy took the picture.  I have been gone quite a bit though.   Kit Kat laid by me and was a good Kitty.  She has been doing good with the screen door so far.

I went to Sam’s Club and got the burgers and hotdogs for Memorial Day.  I froze them and will put them out the day we leave for camping.  Sam’s Club had great sales on all of their chips too, so I picked up lots of them.  Got all the buns we will need, but there were sure not many left on the shelf.  I think only 4 packs of hot dog buns and I took 2 of them.  Must be graduations and Memorial Day shoppers buying lots.  I talked to Vikki, and she and Isaac had their eye appointments today.  She needs bifocals and Isaac got glasses that turn into sunglasses in the sun.  They are really cute on them.  I just saw the frames because they have to wait to pick them up.

I brought those groceries home and Bill helped carry them in.  Bill needed a tension rod for the outside storage area of the motorhome, so I went to Meijer’s and got that and a couple more items I needed.  Then I went to Jack’s and then to Aldi.  I picked Bill up a Rotisserie Chicken Sub for dinner because I was full from all of that pizza.  I cooked burger, cabbage and onion up so I can make cabbage rolls tomorrow.  I will make the dough in the morning and am also making a rhubarb pie for our camping trip.  

When I got home, I saw I had a message from Bill’s sister Debbie.  They got all the cancer by doing the hysterectomy so she doesn’t need Chemo or Radiation.  I cried tears of joy, and sure was praising and thanking God.  

I loaded stuff in the refrigerator and freezer in the camper and also some stuff for the cupboards.  Kimmy is coming tomorrow!  Yay!



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