Friday, May 10, 2024

5/11/24, rainy morning, Chicken in crockpot l, Ride at 11 on motorcycles to bike blessing., 46 degrees in the morning, Fixed dishes for potluck, Chrissy came for a visit, potluck, campfire and meeting, Northern Lights viewing

Group picture of all of us at the bike blessing in Kalkaska
Jeff speaking about Run for the Son and CMA
My Sweet William
    The brave ones who went on the ride to Lake Michigan...Ron, Bev, Jeff, Lucy, Al and Bill

Sweet friends Ron and Bev
Our fearless leader on all of our rides up by Cadillac...Jeff know so many beautiful and scenic roads for motorcycle rides
At our campfire behind our motorhome
It was a big circle with 24 of us
The Northern Lights around 11 p.m. Such a beautiful gift from the Lord to watch
It rained until about 9 in the morning.  I looked at the weather and saw cold temperatures and high winds for the day, so decided not to go on the motorcycle ride at 11.  Bill went with Jeff, Al, Lucy, Bev and Ron.  I rode with Jeff, Doug and Sue in the truck.  Because of it being cold out, there weren’t many at the Bike Blessing.  Last year there were so many because of the nice weather.  There was a bake sale there to raise money for RFS, so we all bought stuff.  We opened in prayer, did the Pledge of Allegiance, then there were three speakers.  The bike blessing was at the end.  I talked to a guy named Jeremy who came late, and he told me he was going to a fundraiser for a girl who was really sick in Gaylord.  I told him my Nephew was the Under Sheriff there and is running for Sheriff in Antrim County and asked if he knew him.  He did.  He went to school with Matt and had just seen him a couple of days ago.  I also talked to someone else who lived up there who said he was going to remember my Nephew’s name when it came time to vote.  I texted my sister, Brenda so she could let Matt know.  We went back to the campground and the others went on the ride.  I had put my chicken in the crock pot in the morning so it would be done in time for the potluck.  I had also made my banana cream pudding dessert last night, so I just needed to put cool whip on it.  It was pretty cool and windy out, so I put the awning in and relaxed in the camper, reading my Bible, praying and then listening to a podcast.  Chrissy came over for a nice visit while her hubby took a nap.  I put the water for my noodles on to boil on the induction burner in the camper.  It works so nice.  Bill got back to the camper and came in and visited for a minute with us, then Chrissy had to leave and I had to mix my noodles, chicken and cream of chicken soup together.  Then I added cooked frozen peas.  We carried everything over to the pavilion.  There was a homeless man who lives in a tent in the campground Kathy and Jeff invited.  He came to our campsite when we got to the campground and offered to help if Bill needed help.  Kathy and Jeff know him well now and have been trying to help him.  Bill talked to him earlier and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  He was talking to me about it and about his estranged family.  He was in tears, but said he knew to trust in the Lord.  I encouraged him and I know as he talked to others they did too.  He was so happy to be invited and cared about.  Love how God sets up divine appointments.  We all ate fast because it was so cold, then we had a campfire and had a group meeting which Bill did a great job leading.  We sure have amazing Area Reps who are great helps taking care of CMA chapters.  Some of us went in and warmed up and came back out and some stayed in their campers.  At 9:30, we bundled up and went to watch for the Northern Lights by the lake.  The two Jeff’s, Doug and Sue and Bill ended up leaving.  Paul, Debbie, me and Bev, sat on a bench together and waited until 10:45....We saw some beautiful colors.  Paul and Debbie went in and Bev and I waited until 11.  We saw some beautiful flashing pinks in the sky after they left.  It was the first time I’ve actually seen the Northern Lights.  We got cold too, so we headed back to our campers.  Bill was waiting up for me and wanted to play our game of 3-13.  He beat me bad, but we sure had fun.  Such a great night!

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