Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wed, May 1, 2024, Happy Birthday Debbie, We love you! Found an igloo house for Kit Kat by the side of the road by a doctors house down the road

Kit Kat went right in her new house
Then she went all the way in

 I went to my doctors appointment in the morning.  Good reports from blood test.  She’s setting up a referral for my hand.  Going to see about surgery for the Dupuytrens contracture on my right hand.   I picked up donuts and an ice Capp and Mocha and went to visit Melissa.  Max was happy to get his favorite Boston Cream. We had a nice visit, then I had to get home to pack more.  Bill went out with Charlie.  Charlie told him he’s been praying before he goes to bed and it’s helping. He’s feeling better.  He also told Sue he appreciates her and all she does.  He was so down when I was over the to deliver the cake that I went over and prayed for him.  The Lord is working quickly.  Bill brought Max over to target  practice. They had a good time.  I took Max home for Bill.

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