Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Wed., 5/29/24, Kimmy and Adam came over, took cover off pool, skimmed leaves out, powerwashed rest if outdoor furniture and pool steps, went to Kimmy’s so Bill could Help with Gazebo. It’s going to be so nice

Beautiful picture of our bluebird Kimmy took
Great picture of the bluebirds Kimmy took.  One on the house and one eating mealworms
Me and Rehvyn
The bluebirds were busy all day!  They love the mealworms!
Bill, Adam, Kimmy and I got the cover off the pool!
Pretty Cardinal
Pretty bouquet from peony bushes
Kimmy’s gardens are just beautiful!
Jared and the boys and Bill working on their Gazebo.  Kimmy worked too reading step by step directions and also watching videos of how to put it together which was so smart and helpful!

There was some drama also thanks to Jacob and Adam

Wyatt thinks he’s part human!
I was the grand finale when I tried to walk through the screen and knocked it out.  They should make walk through screens lol.

Got up, got ready and went out to check to see if I caught the raccoon.  Surprise, I caught an opossum instead.  The raccoon had fun knocking the jelly jar and feeders down again.  I picked everything up and refilled them.  I will be putting them away tonight and tomorrow I will be hanging them on wire.  He doesn’t bother the feeders hung on long wire.  I took the opossum and dropped it off at the boat launch.  Came home annd worked on getting leaves off from pool cover so Bill could drain it.  He put a small siphon in the water, then went to pick up a pump as ours broke. Kimmy called me and asked if I was going to be home so they could come over.  I was happy they were coming!  After she picked Adam up from school at 11:45, they came over.  It was cool out so we moved the swing into the sun.  We watched the bluebirds and wren.  There were other birds too, but they were the highlights.  When Bill got home with the pump and got most of the water off, we all took the cover off.  Kimmy and I skimmed more after hat and Adam and Bill went to Tim Hortons and then to get the pool chemicals we need.  They brought back muffins for us and an ice Capp for me.  Kimmy already had one.  We sat and visited on the deck, then I warmed up a hamburger for Adam and got chips out for him.  Kimmy wasn’t hungry.  Kenzie and Rehvyn came so we went inside to visit.  I made Kenzie a turkey sandwich.  Kimmy and I shared Rehvyn, but I gave Kimmy extra time because I had got to enjoy him yesterday.  Kenzie left and Kimmy started helping again and then realized it was time to leave to get Eli.  Bill and I ate Souper Cafe sandwiches and soup.  Then Bill wanted to drive to see if he could help Kimmy and Jared put up their gazebo.  Kimmy called before we left because they wanted to come pick up Bill’s drills.  We told her we were coming and would bring them.  We got there and they had started getting the pieces and everything ready to work on.  They were very organized.  They worked together well and got the frame together and stopped when it was time to start the roof.  While they worked I took pictures and also sat on the swing.  Jacob came and sat by me and let me FaceTime with Abi.  She’s so nice!  Eli made coffee which I really enjoyed.  Those boys are cheerful and hard workers.  They have had good examples.  When the sun went down, it got pretty cool out, so I went in and sat in Kimmy’s chair with her electric blanket on.  Wyatt entertained me.  He’s such a great dog!  When they were picking up everything I thought I would go out and help and I saw Kimmy out there and thought the screen door in the sliding glass door was open and walked right into it and knocked it out.  Everyone had quite the laugh including me.  Poor Jared...I made extra work for him.  

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