Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday, 5/27/24, Packed last minute things, came home, got ready for Memorial Day party, All the kids and grandkids came except Kenzie, Great day!

Hailey sure loved spending time with Rehvyn
Aunt Kimmy Holding him
Adam and Hope
Peyton, Rehvyn and Hailey
My turn!!! Sure do love all these grandkids here today and this sweet new addition

                   Kimmy and Vikki helped me out and sent me pictures they took.  Yay

 It was raining steady when I got up.  I did all the inside stuff I had to get done to leave.  Bill got up and then we did the last minute stuff.  Good thing we did the outside stuff before it rained, because it’s no fun in the rain.  Wes and Gayla said goodbye and left, then I told Barb and Ron good bye and we left shortly after.  Bill had to dump so told me to go on ahead because I had to stop at the store for some things for the party.  Wes and Gayla were ahead of me the whole way, til we got to Bay City where we both turned in opposite directions.  They went to pick up Joel, and I headed home.  We sure got caught in some heavy rain while driving.  

I stopped at Sam’s and got gas, then went to Meijer and got what I needed.  I got home and the raccoon didn’t find the food and water where I set it on the front porch.  Yay. Bill and I unloaded the stuff from the camper and put it all away.

Eli was in the Sanford Parade today, so we ate later than planned so they could be here to eat with us.  Bruce and Max got here early so they could target practice with the bow and arrows for a while before everyone got here.  Max was laughing and told me he shot the bow like I did and got a bull’s eye.  Max graduated on the 24th.  We are so very proud of him and love him so much.  Bill went out to practice shooting with them.  The rest of the kids and grandkids and Hope all got here pretty close to the same time.  I was so surprised when Vikki got here and Hailey walked in too holding Rehvyn.  I didn’t know Rehvyn was coming, and Hailey had said she couldn’t make it.  Then I asked Hailey if Jacob was coming and she said he was going to Grand Rapids.  He had told me he couldn’t. make it too.  I walked into the dining room and looked and wondered what grandson looked so much like Jacob from the side.  It was Jacob!  Great surprise #3.  Such a blessing to have all of these grandkids and even great grandkid come.  Stacie, DJ and Kody were camping up north, so they weren’t here.  Hailey and Bruce made Taco Salad, and Bruce made a delicious cut up veggie salad, I picked up some red skin potatoe salad that everyone thought was homemade but Vikki and made some baked beans.  I made brownies for dessert and also had drumsticks. Vikki brought the onion I asked her to bring and cut it up for the burgers and hotdogs.  Bill cooked the burgers and hot dogs on the grill.  He put it under the pergola because it was still sprinkling.  The burgers were delicious.  I was too full to try a hot dog, but they sure looked good.  

Kimmy, Jared, Melissa, Hope, Adam and I played the penny game.  Jared was pretty funny.  He would start getting down in pennies a little and then would have to take a lot of pennies out of the penny holder back.  Hope won, Adam won next, I won next, Melissa won next, Kimmy won next and Jared was the loser.  Melissa threw so many sixes.  This was the first time we kept playing to see who the next winners would be.

I didn’t get any pictures of Evan, Eli, Jack or Isaac.  They were in the basement playing lots or outside, so I just didn’t get the opportunity.  I should have made a point of getting their pictures.  Next time, I hope.  

We had a great day, enjoying one another’s company, enjoying Rehvyn, and just being together.  We took turns holding Rehvyn and feeding him.  Jacob and Adam helped Bill get the air conditioner in so we were happy about that.  Rody got the TV going in the camper and we were happy about that.  There was a switch we needed to turn on.  

I saw my blue birds today so I was happy they are safe and happy in their little bird house.

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