Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tues., 5/28/24, Guys came to put a new water meter in, sat on deck and ate breakfast, Kenzie called and wanted me to meet her at Hobby Lobby, lunch with Vikki and Kenzie, took Max home, prayer at church

Kenzie and Rehvyn outside at Vikki's
Rehvyn was so cute while we shopped
Rehvyn with his new teether toy I got him
Jack when he came to say hi when I dropped Max off.  I forgot to take a picture of Max before he went in
Rehvyn, Kenzie and I....Rehvyn is smiling in all of these pictures.  He is the smiliest baby!
Rehvyn with his new toy at Vikki’s.  I love his little hands!

 We got up and got ready because some workers from the township were coming to put a new water meter in our basement.  Ours is old so they wanted to replace it instead of just doing an update.  I sat out on the deck and ate my oatmeal and had my coffee.  Kit Kat sat next to me.  Charlie picked Bill up and Sue called me, so I came inside when it was time for the workers to finish.  They did a nice job and the guy told me they added a pipe so if sewer ever comes through our neighborhood, the meter can go on the pipe.  Kenzie called me to see what I was doing.  We met at Home Depot and shopped for things on sale.  We got some really cute things for really cheap prices.  Rehvyn was such a good baby while we shopped.  A couple of times when we walked a couple of steps away from the stroller, he started crying.  He was fine as soon as we came back where he could see our faces.  He was starting to act hungry, but while we were in the check out, he fell asleep.  We decided to to to TJ Max while we waited for Vikki to get out of work.  Rehvyn slept all the while we shopped. We had such a fun time shopping together.  We checked out, left to meet Vikki at Sombrero’s for Taco Tuesday.  Kenzie fed Rehvyn his bottle, then we all ate taco’s.  Kenzie had 4 (the girl accidentally gave her an extra one, Vikki had 3 and I had two.  Kenzie and I got soft shells to put over our hard shelled taco.  Yum.  The whole bill came to $7.46.  Pretty cheap meal for sure!  We sure had fun together!  Bill called and he and Max were going to Culver’s.  They were going to invite me, but found out where I was.  Bill checked to see if Max wanted to come eat with us, but he only likes Taco Bell tacos he said.  I talked to Max and told him how proud I was of him graduating and getting such great grades.  

Kenzie and Vikki went to Vikki’s and I left for home.  Bill and Max were already at our house.  They did some target practice.  I dug up some milk weed that was where I didn’t want it growing.  It spread from last year and was in my flowers around the brick pillars in the front by the road.  Bill asked me if I wanted to take Max home.  I did.  We had a nice visit on the way to his house and I got to congratulate him on his graduation in person.  I forget to get any pictures.  Jack was watering plants and came to see me.  I took a picture so I would have one for my blog.  I got almost home and it started down pouring rain.  I called Kimmy and Eli answered.  I had him tell Kimmy it was pouring here, so he could tell her to bring her cushions in if it hadn’t started raining there yet.  She was trying to get them dried out from yesterday’s rain.  She will be so happy when the gazebo that was delivered (I think) today gets up and protects the cushions from rain.  I saw my bluebird today.  Only saw one, but was gone lots and it rained lots.  

I put some tuna fish in the live trap because I really want to catch the pest of a raccoon tonight.  I even put the bait in out in the rain.  That’s how serious I am about catching it.  Then I left to go to intercessory prayer at church.  It was an awesome time of worship, prayer and praise.  It was still raining out when I left for home.  I talked to Melissa for a while, FaceTimed Vikki, Kenzie, Peyton and Isaac, then read my Bible.  Worked on my blog after that. 

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