Friday, May 17, 2024

Saturday, 5/18/24, Happy 17th Birthday to our Adam, went to LA Joiner seminar n the morning, lunch with Pastor, LA and elders and wives, sat outside lots, Vikki and Peyton came over, Kimmy, Jared, Adam, and Hope came over to celebrate Adam’s birthday

Happy Birthday Adam.  We love you so much and we are so thankful for you.  You are an amazing Grandson!!!
Me, Bill, Jeremy and Bri at the Seminar at church

The whole group of us
The girls that work with the kids getting their plates ready for them, plus Pastor Dickinson and Brian
                        Things are growing and blossoming around the yard
Ground cover is really growing fast
This little sweetie I face timed with is growing too....such a sweet boy
Peyton, Kit Kat and Papa sitting outside waiting for Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Hope to come
Kit Kat behind the fire peeking over
We celebrated Adam’s birthday. 
Opening Hope’s gift
Jared and Peyton in the Jeep.  I love how happy Jared is to have a Jeep again.
I mashed strawberries and made these popsicles  with these cute popsicle makers I got at Aldi
Ha Ha, they are all different dinosaurs

I got up at 6:15 so I could see if we caught a raccoon in the trap.  No raccoon, but a small opossum was in the trap.  I would have taken it and dropped it off if it would have been the big raccoon I have been trying to catch.  Decided to let the opossum go though because I didn’t want to take the time to take it.  We got to church at 8:30.  There was a great turn out and the room was full.  We sat with Bri and Jeremy Olivarez.  They are a sweet young couple.  I team teach Sunday School with her sometimes.  The church had ordered Bob Evan’s Breakfast buffet for everyone, but were late coming.  Pastor Ken had LA Joiner begin his teaching session.  He always does an amazing job teaching the Bible.  Breakfast arrived at around 9:30 and we all ate.  It was delicious.  I didn’t each too much because we were going to lunch with LA, Pastor Ken and the elders and wives after the seminar.  LA finished and then had a question and answer time.  Then we headed to Timbers for lunch. 

We had a nice quiet visit with each other at Timbers.  I just ordered a chicken salad.  It was huge and delicious.  I took half of it home.  Bill had a chicken wrap and fries.  We discussed how important it is to follow what the Bible says and how if you don’t tell people the truth of what God says and teach them about Jesus, and only show them compassion, you are not really loving them.  Food for thought!

We came home and I went outside to do my Bible reading.  It was very hot out...84 degrees and sunny.  I sat on the deck under the gazebo and it was just nice and not hot at all.  I walked around afterwards and took some pictures of how things are growing.  Bill took a nap inside.  I had a popsicle I made of just mashed strawberries with a little sugar in it.  Yum!  Kimmy called and they are coming here now instead of us going to their house, because they are going to the arcade in Bay City and it will be late when they get here.  Kenzie face timed me and I got to see Rehvyn eat again and face timed with him.  He always smiles big for me.  I love that sweet baby so much.

I watered plants around the house that I didn’t water last night.  I put some stuff away in the camper.  Also blew off the deck and wiped down the tables.  Put the cushions out because it’s not supposed to rain for a few days.  Vikki and Peyton got here.  I didn’t know they were coming, but I was happy to see them.  Got my hugs and then we sat outside and visited.  Bill came out too.  It cooled off a little, so we started a fire in the gas fire pit.  

Kimmy, Jared, Adam and Hope came in the jeep around 9:30.  We all went out to see their new Jeep.  It is such a pretty color and very cool.  I love seeing Jared so happy driving it.  They all were happy about it and I am very happy for them.  Kimmy brought a cake and I got the ice cream out and some strawberries.  It took Adam a while to blow out his candles (it had one trick candle on it I didn’t know about)  The cake was delicious.  Adam opened his gifts and cards afterwards.  I am so glad he wanted to spend his birthday with us.  He is an awesome and loving grandson.  It was nice having Hope here too.  It was her first time here.  She is lots of fun.   Jacob texted Kimmy and was on his way home.  Eli texted her and is having fun on Washington D.C.  


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