Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tues, 5/14/24, Face Timed with Kenzie and Rehvyn, found all my last year’s bird feeders, washed down tables on the deck, did some weeding, Went to Isaac’s last band concert

Isaac playing the clarinet in his last band concert of the year. He’s on the left of the band director, 3rd one in the row
Close up of him playing

We slept in this morning.  It was raining when we got up, but quit shortly after.  I was thankful my plants got watered.  Kenzie face timed me so I could see Rehvyn.  He was was cute as ever.  She sent me videos of him eating his first cereal and sweet potatoes.  He did really good.  Didn’t seem to like the sweet potatoes as much as the cereal though.  I sent some cards out I needed to get in the mail.  Called Debbie to see how she was doing?  She is doing better.  I am taking her out to breakfast on Monday and looking forward to seeing her and spending time together.  I had my coffee and also Raisin Bran for breakfast.  

Bill mowed the grass.  It sure looks nice.  I made reservations for Outdoor Adventures for the week before the 4th of July until the week after.  We always like being up there to watch the fireworks as a family.  Now that we are both 75, we don’t have to pay any maintenance fees anymore, so camping is totally free.  Such a blessing that this was given to us when the grandkids were small and we have enjoyed it so many years.  There are so many new campgrounds we want to try too.  

In the evening, we went to Isaac’s last band concert of the year.  He did such a great job and looked so handsome.  He sure loves music and is so talented playing instruments.  The band has improved so much since the Dec. concert.  Some of the lights didn’t work at first, but they got them working halfway through the concert.

I found all of my bird feeders today in a box in the little shed on the deck by Bill’s big shed.  I am so happy to have them.  Next year Bill is going to leave them on my shelf instead of packing them up.  I bought two new feeders I didn’t have to buy.  I am just so happy to have my old oriole feeder that the orioles actually love eating from.  I am going to hang it out tomorrow.

Please pray for a 13 year old boy named Riley.  He goes to a friend of ours church and was badly burned on 80% of his body.  His doctor doesn’t think he will make it.  Pray he doesn’t get any infections.  We are believing for a miracle from God for him with his family and friends.  Prayers are appreciated.  

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