Sunday, May 12, 2024

Monday, 5/13/24, Got a planter’s wart on my foot so went and got stuff for that, Met Vikki at Melissa’s, Went to Walmart, Met Max and Bill at Culver’s, Worked some on edging on the last side of the house, did some watering, unloaded the camper, watched the original Matilda movie on tv


My Columbine has so many blossoms on it now
My goose and ladybug in my garden.  They are so cute.  Vikki is going to paint the lady bug for me since it is small and harder to see.  I can’t wait until my plants start leaping!!!

The Azaelia plant Bruce and Melissa got me when we first moved here 21 years ago looks so beautiful!
Bill at Culver’s with his I need cheese sign that his hamburger was in.  He was the only one who got that saying.  Max thought it was pretty funny and told me to take a picture. We always have fun with Max.  He is such a fun and wonderful grandson.  

I went to Walmart in the morning and picked up some CoQ10 for Vikki, then got some stuff for my planter’s wart.  Came home and took my shower, then put the medicated pad on my wart.  Hopefully it goes away quickly.  I also picked up a pair of slip on tennis shoes.  I got home and tried the shoes, but they were small even though they were my size.  I went outside and walked around to look at everything.  I now have 12 ferns in the little woods by the side of the garage and that isn’t counting the 4 I moved by the house.  I started three years ago with 2 ferns.  My sensitive ferns have also multiplied from 1 to 5.  I love ferns.

I went to Melissa’s and watched some videos with her.  Vikki came a little later and she gave me more stuff for the planter’s wart and I gave her the CoQ10 I had picked up for her.  She had to leave right away.  Melissa and I finished watching videos, and then I left.  I stopped at Walmart and got a bigger size shoe to see if I would like it better than the snug shoe in my size.  I did.  Bill left at 4:30 to pick up Max and take him to Dunham’s and Franks in Bay City.  They called me and wanted me to meet them at Culver’s for dinner.  Max said both stores were closed when they got there.  We had fun at the restaurant, especially with the I need cheese paper around Bills burger.  Max and I had a good laugh and after Max told me to take a picture I put it on Facebook.  Max said I’m his favorite one to target practice with because I am so entertaining.  We left and they went to Cabela’s and I came home and unloaded the camper before it rained.  It was really dark out and looked like it was going to storm.  I brought some stuff in from outside that could break, then put the set of swing  cushions that were still on the one swing.  It never did rain.  It was on both sides of us, but no rain fell here.  I wish it would have.  

Bill got home and we read our Bibles, then watched Matilda.  I want to watch Matilda the musical next, but have to watch it at Melissa’s or Vikki’s.  We don’t have Netflix.  

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