Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday, 5/25/24, Went to breakfast, went to church service, Hailey came to spend the day, Hailey and i went for a long walk, played the penny game, played 3-13, went to evening church service, went to campfire, Bill and i played 3:13

Cute shirts Jack, Melissa, Evan and Bruce wire to the Dog Bowl in Frankenmuth.  They got lots of compliments on them!

We got ready and walked to the dining hall for breakfast.  Wes and Gayla went with us.  Jeff and Cindy, the directors sat with us for a while.  Barb and Ron came a half hour after us and sat with us too.  Breakfast was delicious!  We came back and sat outside.  It was cloudy, but didn’t rain anymore.  I walked to the bathroom and when I came back Hailey was here. I was so happy to see her.  She got here at 10 and we went to the tabernacle at 10:30 for the church service.  Good worship and good message by pastor Don.  

After church Hailey saw Dustin and some other friends so she stayed and hung out with them.  When Hailey got back to the camper, we ate cabbage buns for lunch and had brownies.  Then we visited with everyone outside again.  Hailey and I went on a 1.75 mile walk at top speed around the trails and out to the dock, Roberta’s Walk and then on the new trails.  The woods were filled with beautiful flowers.  We had so much fun and sure got our steps in.  She and Melissa walk 2 miles a day except Fridays.  I’m going to start walking now and then with them.  When we got back we relaxed for a while, then had drumsticks, and then played the Penny Game.  Wes made one.  Wes won, then I won.  Hailey had to leave to get home and do homework for her online class.  She sure made our day a fun one.  We all gave her hugs and then she left.  Wes, Gayla, Bill and I played a game of 3:13.  Lots more visiting afterwords when Barb and Ron came back out.  Then we ate, and then went back for the evening church service. Went to the campfire for s’mores and fellowship.  Nice meeting new people.  We came back and Wes and Bill sat outside for a while longer, then Bill came in and we played 3-13!  I stuck him with 70 points once, then went out the last hand with a Pat hand winning hand, and won.  We had fun! 

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