Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thurs., 5/16/24, Bill had his colonoscopy, we went to breakfast at Nori’s, Kenzie and Rehvyn came over, went to garage sales, went to Hobby Lobby, watered plants and fed the goldfish

Bill in the recovery room after his colonoscopy.  No polyps!  Yay!  He said to me, “are you going to take a picture."  So I did!!
Breakfast at Nori’s afterwards.  It was the best breakfast.  I had to take potatoes and ham home because the portions were so big I couldn’t eat it all
Bad Bird on branch, good bird on jelly feeder
Rehvyn was so smiley and so fun!
He loved his new toys from the garage sales

 We got ready and I prayed over Bill for his procedure to go well and a good report.  We left as we had to be at the VA hospital at 8 a.m. for Bill’s colonoscopy.   I gave him a kiss and he went right in to be prepped.  I went to the waiting room.  I was a home makeover on tv and was just about to see how it turned out.  A lady came in and sat next to me.  She introduced herself and said her husband was having surgery for a hammer toe.  She said something, then said thank you Lord.  I asked her if she was a Christian and she told me yes.  She asked if I wanted to pray with her for our husbands, so we held hands and prayed.  She shared some testimonies of what God has done in her family and I shared some of what He’s done in our family too.  I never did see the end of the home makeover, but we visited the whole time.  Before I knew it the were calling me to go back to recovery to see Bill.  Bill was only back there for 1 1/2 hours instead of 2 1/2 like they said.  He was doing good when I walked in.  We sure were thankful to the Lord for a great report.  He doesn’t have to have another one for 5 years.  I messaged each of the girls to let them know he did good.  Then after he was discharged, we went to breakfast at Nori’s.  The breakfasts were huge and were delicious.  My favorite place to go for breakfast.  After breakfast, we went to the bank, then headed home.  Bill went in and said he was going to take a nap.  I ran some shoes I have collected for Foster Kids and took them to Sarah at the flower shop she works at.  She was very happy to get them.  I took her some egg cartons she needed too.  I came back home and went out on the deck to read my Bible.  I decided to come in and take a short nap too since we got up so early.  Kenzie got to our house, so we both got up to see our Rehvyn.  I was holding him for a while, then Bill came and took him from me.  Kenzie put him up on the big round stool by the couch and we were all three around him when he rolled over.  He does that easy now.  I told Kenzie about a subdivision garage sale a couple of miles away from here, so we went.  Rehvyn was so good.  I bought an umbrella stroller for my house that was $5.  He loved it when we put him in it.  Kenzie got some stuff and a toy for him and I got a couple of cute toys for him.  He started crying and Kenzie said it was time for him to eat.  We decided to head home and skip the other subdivision garage sale.  He quit crying right away and we got to my house and Kenzie made him a bottle.  I fed him and he sure ate good.  He played with his new toys some and liked them.  They had to leave to go to Vikki’s and Kenzie had to meet someone to sell a watch to.  Later, Kenzie called and told me they had good deals at Hobby Lobby.  I went and got a few things.  When I got home, I made hot dogs on the grill and some asparagus.  We ate, then I went outside and did some watering. Didn’t do too much since it’s supposed to rain early in the morning.  Just did my pot of flowers and the plants I moved.  I put the cushions on the swings away, then  I filled bird feeders and jelly jars too.  I set the raccoon trap and hope I catch him tonight.  Bill and I relaxed in our love seat recliners.  Kenzie face timed me when she got home and showed me what she got at Hobby Lobby and let Rehvyn face time with me a little.  

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