Monday, May 24, 2021

Mon., 5/24/21, Rained in the morning, Walked on treadmill, 100+ Irises that were Grandma Schmidts started to bloom,Vacuumed the house, cleaned kernel burner, weeded around plants

My egg roll Vikki made me.  I got some sweet and sour sauce and it sure tastes good on it.  I made another one after this one.  They sure are delicious Vikki
 My Irises that were Grandma Schmidt's are starting to bloom.  Our sister, Angie,
mailed them to me from Kansas last Fall.  They are 100+ years old.  I shared with Kimmy so she would have some too!

Azalea plant Melissa and Bruce gave me back in 2004.  It gets bigger and more beautiful every year.
Lilacs are starting to open up and smell so wonderful

It was raining out when we got up.  It is great for all the plants and flowers, and grass.  Bill went to coffee with Charlie to encourage him.  I walked on the treadmill and listened to worship music.  After my 2 miles, I came up, had my coffee and oatmeal, then read my Bible and prayed.  Refilled my bird feeders and enjoyed being back home to watch my birds.  Kenzie showed me a picture of the cat she is giving me that is so nice and catches mice.  Hopefully she catches moles too.  She is cute and Kenzie and Travis say she has a great personality.  Kenzie's tiny kitten she took home is doing great and her big cat like her, is bonding with her.  They are so cute laying by each other in the pictures Kenzie sent me.  Bill got home and mowed the grass and picked it up because it was so long.  I vacuumed the house while he did that.  I cleaned the kernel burner too.  I went outside for a while and when I looked on the pool deck, I saw a pile of helicopter things from the tree.  It was windy yesterday, and the pool cover kept blowing up from the wind and all those things were on the cover.  Today when I looked, they were all in a neat pile by the boards where the steps go in.  I picked them up and put them in a trash can.  That sure was easier than trying to scoop them from the water on the pool cover.  I walked around the yard for a while and enjoyed looking at the plants.  Lettuce and Zinnias are coming up along the edge of the garden where I planted them.  Blueberry bushes have a few blueberries on them now. Vikki posted a picture of Isaac riding his little motorcycle.  He sure rides it good, but it sure made me nervous watching him.  Looks like he might be carrying on the motorcycle tradition.  Bill had an Elder's Meeting, so while he was gone, I dug up some weeds and transplanted some hosta's.  Snowball tree is just beautiful now too!  Nothing as beautiful as God's creation. 

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