Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sunday, 5/16/21, Went to prayer, than church, Stacey and Kody came over to bring me a Mother's Day present, Sat outside on the deck and enjoyed watching the birds

 This came up in my memories today on my phone...Jacob, Adam and Eli were sure little
 Nice gifts from Stacey, DJ and Kody for Mother's Day
Stacie and Kody

Hailey, Jack, Evan and Max camping in Muskegon

Melissa and Bruce...Behind that log, it goes a long way down.

This is Evan behind where the log was that Melissa and Bruce were standing in front of

Evan climbing up the dune
Max and Jack riding their bikes, Evan in front
 Jack by the weather rock...the boys thought this was pretty funny where they were camping and I agree

Got up early and got ready for church.  Read my Bible, worshipped and prayed, then we head to church.  Bill went to pray with the Elders and I went to pray with the prayer group.  Pastor gave another great message on prayer and worship.  Charlie came to our church today and sat with us.  Sue didn't make it.  Stacie texted me when I got home and wanted to come bring my Mother's Day present on her way home from Bridgeport.  I relaxed on the deck in the sunshine until she and Kody came.  We had a really nice visit and enjoyed hearing about their Yellowstone trip.  Kody was as cute and sweet as ever.  They gave me a book to right memories asks questions and I answer so it is very nice to help me remember things from my childhood etc.  I have another one I'm almost finished with, but this one has different types of questions.  I wish I would have had one for my mom when she was here.  I would sure love to read about her childhood memories.  They also gave me a beautiful container with Count your blessings saying on it.  I sure have lots of blessings to count!!! I am using it for toothpicks.  I was happy to hear Melissa and family were home.  I was even happier when she called me and told me about her weekend camping trip.  I'm so happy they all had a good time, and could even stop for ice cream at an ice cream place where the workers were being really safe!  Bill and I watched a good movie in the evening. 

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