Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tues., 5/18/21, HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY ADAM! WE LOVE YOU! Bill took the garbage out, I went to get groceries, Kimmy, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over, worked on front landscaping, Picked truck up

I took a picture with the beautiful hanging flower basket from Melissa and Bruce along the walkway.  Today I ripped out lots of plastic behind where those purple flowers are.  Transplanted more of the purple flowers where I took it out and watered it good.

Ha ha....Isaac is under that blanket playing his game.  Peyton was super tired because she helped her mom with the baby kittens during the night
Isaac came out!!!
 Peyton with some yummy strawberry shortcake

We both got up early this morning.  I called Adam and sang Happy Birthday to him and wished him a happy birthday.  He told me he was up at 5.  He must take after his other grandma who is an early bird.  I went to Jacks and Meijer and got the stuff on my list for camping.  Vikki called me when I was done and getting in my car.  She said Kimmy was at my house and she was headed there.  It took me about 10 minutes and I was home enjoying their company.  I knew they were coming, but I thought it would be closer to 10.  I sure was happy to see them.  Kimmy was taking the kitty home to surprise Adam for his birthday.  She is keeping the other kitty for 2 weeks for Kenzie too, as she thinks they will do better if they are with each other.  I saw a video of Adam later, and he sure was surprised.  It was so cute.  He sure is an amazing grandson.  So loving and always sweet and helpful.  I love his big smile and how he loves being the tallest boy in the family.  Such a fun kid who always wants to help.  I texted him quite a bit today.  I love texting grandkids.  Bill took the garbage out, and he even picked up all my leaves by the pool and put them in the yard waste.  He picked up my weeds and roots I dug up last night too.  I sure was happy.  The kids did great on their spelling.  They have compound words this week.  We read Isaac's book after that.  Peyton and I played Tonk, but Isaac didn't want to play today.  I made strawberry shortcake for dessert.  Vikki had mentioned she was hungry for it.  She came and we ate sandwiches and then had our shortcake.  YUM!  They left so the kids could get their online school done.  I did my reading out on the deck and also enjoyed bird watching.  Took out lots of plastic from the landscaping in the front of the house.  It was a bugger to get out, but I managed.  I planted more flowers where it was and I'm hoping they will spread nicely now.  I tripped over something and started falling on the front porch and caught myself with my right hand.  Boy did that hurt.  I thought I might have sprained or fractured it at first, but I prayed and after about 5 minutes it was as good as before and I continued on working.  My hanging plant from Melissa and Bruce looks beautiful by the walkway today.  Bill and I went and picked the truck up.  He had the brakes on it fixed too.  I am sure happy about that as I will be pulling the camper with it when we go to Cadillac this weekend.  I have been praying about that trip for a while, for Jesus to help me drive it safely.  I went to prayer night at church.  So great to pray together for the needs of our body of believers.  Came home and watered the plants and flowers in the front yard.  Sat out on the deck for a while too.  Sad for James and Diane today as they had to put their dog who was 16 down.  James was so attached to him since he had his stroke especially.  Dogs become part of the family.  Did a lot of praying for both of them today.


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