Saturday, May 15, 2021

Saturday, 5/15/21, Went to memorial for Paul, went to Jocelynn's college grad. party, went to Vikki's for dinner, Bill tilled Vikki's garden

Jocelyn walking in to her surprise party.  She was super surprised!
Peyton, Isaac and Lucy
 Papa Bill fixing the swing so it's level.  Isaac and Peyton watching
 Peyton Helping Papa
Rody, Peyton and Isaac
 Bill tilling Vikki's garden for her
Isaac and Peyton
Our old house in Hemlock.  They tore the barn next door completely down now

It was a beautiful warm morning, so I sat on the deck and did my reading, and prayer time.   I made a big garden salad to take to Jocelynn’s college graduation today.  Bill rode his motorcycle with Don and Wes to a bike blessing in Hemlock.  When he got home, he warmed a bowl of soup up.  I practiced my ukulele out on the deck.  We went to Paul Currry’s pre memorial service to show our love and support for his beautiful family.  We couldn't stay for the service, because we had to be at the graduation party before it started to have the salad there.  We had a nice time at the graduation party and the food was delicious.  Pastor went to the memorial and Joan had made baked beans so she came to the graduation.  She sat with us and we had a good visit.  We drove by our old houses on the way home.   Vikki invited us to dinner so we loaded up the tiller and went there.  She made yummy bean dip and her delicious salsa.  It was so good! YUM!  I made sure I didn't eat too much at the graduation so I would be sure to have room for her good food.  Bill tilled her garden when we were done eating.  Vikki and I sat outside watching for a while, then came in and put some stuff away and she packed us up some food to take home.  Thank you Vikki!  We visited on the front porch for quite a while.  Bill went and talked to their new neighbor next door who is a veteran too.  Vikki and I walked over and checked out the back yard of the house for sale across the street from her.  Bill worked on fixing the swing so it would be level.  Vikki and I played our ukulele's for a while too.  We came home, and unloaded things, then relaxed in our recliners.  It got super windy here, and I asked Bill if there were wind warnings.  Just then Vikki called and said it was super windy there and sirens were going off.  She said it was supposed to rain too.  I checked the weather where Melissa is and it said rain until 8 tomorrow morning.  We prayed for Bruce, Melissa and kiddos, who are camping, that they wouldn't get strong winds and would be safe. I texted Melissa and she texted that it was raining.  She called me, and I told her Vikki and I prayed which she was happy about.  Hailey and Bruce were still out by the fire making cinnamon rolls, as it was just misting out.  

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