Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday, 2/21/22, Kenzie came over, Went to Carol's for pizza with Fred and Lourdes, Jacob got the scholarship

Jacob received a $500 scholarship  for music today and gets to play with the Midland Concert Band.  He sure deserved this.  He loves music and band and puts a lot of time and effort into playing well.  He's an amazing grandson who I am very proud of!!!
Kenzie helping Papa with the State Rally Flyer.  What a blessing she is!
Mylee got to visit too

Pictures of Melissa and Bruce's rental home in Florida

Evan, Jack, Bruce and Max in front of it
Max's room
Jack's room
Evan's room
Jack, Max and Evan in the game room
Beautiful heated pool and hot tub in an attached lanai
Evan enjoying the hot tub at night
Kenzie got here around 9:30 this morning.  I was answering the door with Kit Kat in my arms, when I noticed she had Mylee with her.  I unlocked the door and quick put Kit Kat in the garage, while telling Kenzie to come in.  Mylee was excited at first so Kenzie put the gentle leader on her.  While Kenzie helped papa with his flyer, I sat by Mylee, then walked her around the house.  When Kenzie was done, we got crackers out (I didn't have dog treats or cheerios) and Kenzie had her do all of her tricks.  She did great, so then I had her do them and gave her more treats.  She is a beautiful dog and really big now.  I love her hound ears.  She is such a good dog and was lying on the floor chewing an antler after she got used to being here.  

I talked with Kimmy and was happy she and Jared had good doctor appointments today.  Bill and I picked up pizzas from G's and took them to his sister, Carol's, to eat lunch with her, Fred and Lourdes.  We all prayed for Debbie together, then we ate the pizza.  For dessert, we ate birthday cake that Carol made in honor of our brother Kenny, who passed away in 1998.  We reminisced about him and all had such good memories to share. Fred and Lourdes had to leave for the airport to catch their flight back home to Washington.  Carol is on oxygen and doing a little worse, so she is in my prayers too.  Debbie was so sick, she turned down a visit from her brother Fred which she never does.  When I got home, I texted Debbie to see how she was.  She texted that she is reading God's Word I gave her and praying for God to heal her.  She wants me to text her each day to help get her through this.  I  sure will! 

I talked with Vikki who didn't have a very good day at work because of computer glitches that made her look like she made a mistake.  Glad they found out it wasn't her as one girl wasn't very nice about it.  Vikki always does her best and is a great worker, so even if it would have been her, the girl should have been kind.  Praying for her to tell Vikki she is sorry and have a heart change.  

Talked to Kimmy again and found out about Jacob winning the scholarship.  It made me so happy.  I face timed with Melissa which was a joy.  I sure was happy when she showed me the beautiful place they are staying in.  This is the first vacation since before Covid.  They have been so careful, so this trip was a very prayed over trip.  God worked everything out perfectly.  I texted lots with Hailey, and texted with Adam too.  Bill and I had to face time Kenzie and Travis so they could help make two easy changes to the flyer for Bill.  We couldn't make the changes on it, so they set it up to connect to our computer and make the changes for Bill while Bill watched.  Just amazing what they know how to do.  

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