Friday, March 1, 2019

3/1/19...Happy 6th Birthday to our Kody! Got kids off to school, went to lunch with Bill and Fred, Picked up the boys and Hailey, Melissa and Bruce got home, Went to Fun Fair at Bethlehem, Went to Kody's Birthday Party

Hailey after the boys left for school.  I realized I haven't taken any pictures of the boys.  Too busy when they are there to think of it.

Cute of Hailey and Abby

Bill and Fred on their phones...Actually they were both trying to find sister Carol's work phone  or address.

We had such a wonderful time with Bill's brother Fred.  He is so kind and caring.   

Ally and Hailey at the Fun Fair

Jack and Papa in the food line

Jacob, Max, Evan and Melissa

Me, Max and Papa
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Isaac and Peyton

Papa and Max
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Isaac and Peyton sure had fun swimming and being at the hotel for their first time

Peyton and Isaac after swimming at the hotel.  They were out to dinner and were so tired.  My cuties.

Kody in the dinosaur costume he got for his birthday.  He's playing me a song.  So cute!
Kody, Jedi and me.  Jedi just wanted to sit on my feet and have me pet him.  He was so sweet.

Papa, Kody, and Nana
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Kody with his birthday cake
Jacob front row left, at his Music Festival....they got all 1's which is the best they could get

Got the boys ready, lunches packed, and Vikki picked them up for school.  Hailey and I visited until her ride came.  I shared how I came to the Lord with her.  She left and I did some cleaning and finished laundry.  I want Melissa to be able to relax when she gets home.  I took a shower and got ready when I got home.  Bill and I went and met his brother, Fred, for lunch at Kathleen's at Apple Mt.  We all had egg salad sandwiches and organic chicken noodle soup.  It was delicious.  We had such a nice visit.  Fred is always so kind and caring.  Dr. Galsterer was eating there too.  After his business associate left, he came and gave us hugs and visited with us for about 15 minutes.  He was so nice, one of my favorite people from church.  He knew some people from Rehman Financial that Fred knew.  We left and came home.  I left to go pick up the boys, and Bill went to visit Roy at the rehab.  He has to be there two more weeks.  Melissa called and told me they were in Dundee, Mi.  Yay, I was so happy.  They are coming to the Fun Fair.  We picked up Hailey.  Bill came to the house and brought the left over theater popcorn from last night.  Melissa and Bruce got home, and the kids were very excited to see them.  They ran out the door to greet them.  Bill and I were happy to see them too.  We left and came home to drop the truck off, so we could ride to the Fun Fair together.  We had a great time there.  Bill got one hot dog and a pop right away. We saw the Beemer family and then Bruce, Melissa and the kids got there.   We walked around for a while, then went and ate.  Sat and talked for a while with Melissa and Mikayla's mom.  Mr. Parks, Max's teacher, came up to Melissa in the hallway and told her he had a great week and was happy and doing great work.  I told him that's because I was staying there....just kidding of course.  Vikki face timed me and showed me Peyton and Isaac swimming.  I was so happy she, Rody and the kids could have a fun night out.  They are staying at the Comfort Inn Suites (the kids first time) and having a great time.  Bill and I went to Kody's Birthday Party for a while.  He was so cute and we had lots of fun.  Happy to be Home Sweet Home!  I am a home kind of person.  

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