Wednesday, March 6, 2019

3/6/19 Peyton and Isaac asked Jesus into their hearts today! Best thing they will ever do. Went to help sort baby clothes for Life Clinic again, Visited John Wells, Picked up Max, Evan and Hailey from School, Vikki came over, Went to Aldi's and picked up desk and bookshelf with Vikki's help

Hailey and Abby

Max and Abby was dress up day at school

Me and Melissa


Beautiful birds on the feeder today

I got up early and put a roast, carrots and potatoes in the crockpot.  Also took some frozen Amish rolls out of the freezer and put them on a cookie sheet to thaw.  We met at 9 a.m. and started sorting baby clothes again.  It was just Joan, Kim, Stephanie, Cathy, Anna and I today.  It didn't take us long.  We were done at 10:30.  I stopped at Aldi and then went to visit John Wells at HealthSource.  He was eating lunch when I got there and was watching The Price is Right.  We visited some while we watched TV.  After I left there, I came home and made lunch and ate.  I went to pick up Max, Evan and Hailey at 2:30.  Jack had basketball.  I didn't know that, so I sent Evan in to get him.  That's when Evan came out and told me he had practice.  We headed over to get Hailey then.  I went in and visited with Melissa for a while and took some pictures.  Peyton called me and told me she asked Jesus into her heart today.  She was excited and so was I.  Isaac talked to me and told me he asked Jesus into her heart too.  I couldn't be happier.  That's the best thing they will ever do.  Sure love those kiddos.  I came home and baked the rolls.  Vikki came over because Rody and the kids were going to church and to care group. She ate dinner with us.  It turned out so yummy in the crockpot.  We ate cookies for dessert.  We were sad to hear the Alex Trebek has 4th stage pancreatic cancer.  We are sure praying for him to be healed in Jesus Name.  We relaxed for a while and then Vikki took me to Aldi to get a desk and bookcase they had for sale there.  I'm getting it for the upstairs bedroom as I am redoing it.  Vikki put one in the car and I helped her get the second one in.  Sure was happy to have her help me.  We came home and she and her dad got them upstairs for me.  Bill and I watched a Hallmark movie.  

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