Thursday, March 14, 2019

3/14/19...Took Max, Jack and Evan to school, dehydrated some more strawberries. Beautiful day 63 degrees...Rain off and on

Beautiful day out.  Snow is almost gone.  63 degrees

Picked up Melissa's boys and took them to school.  It was raining, so I pulled in the garage so the boys stuff wouldn't get wet.  We left and Hailey closed the garage door for us.  Got to Weiss and Bay and Weiss was closed.  I had to move over to a left turn arrow lane and the guy behind me was very impatient so I just turned the direction of the arrow.  I went down a mile and came up Shattuck.  I was a little nervous because the road to the school had water over the road signs the other day.  I was happy to see it wasn't flooded.  Got the boys to school 2 minutes early is all.  Came home and rested for a while, then spent my time with the Lord.  Vikki called and said Isaac's fever is gone even without the medicine.  So very thankful!  He told me he's at a 1 (from 1 being the best and 10 the worst).  He's so cute!  I dehydrated some more strawberries.  Organized some more in the green bedroom upstairs.  Almost done! Yay! Vacuumed out the kernel burner and got it all cleaned.  Went to our CMA dinner/meeting at Pizza Hut.  Couple of new people there which is great.  Some business Renee know of is going to match our Run For the Son donations up to $5,000.  This is such a huge blessing from the Lord!  We had a great meeting and lots of good fellowship.

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