Friday, March 1, 2019

2/28/19...Got kids off to school, pizza for dinner, took Max to Jacob Mulders, Fun with Hailey


Abby giving me the look because I had her toy on my head

Got up and got ready, then got the kids up to get ready for school.  Vikki picked the boys up and took them to school.  Hailey's ride picked her up.  I did some laundry and then headed to my house to spend time with Bill.  Went back to Melissa's and did more laundry, then left to pick up the boys. We stopped at Vikki's on our way home. She was a sweetie and checked Max's broken hurp device.    Max had a wire from his braces poking into his gum.  Vikki thought maybe his regular dentist could cut the wire for him.  It has been painful since Sunday, but his orthodontist office is on vacation, so Bruce couldn't get him an appt. until Monday. I called the dentist and the office said I could bring him in if I came right away before they closed.  I got him there and the dentist cut the wire.  Max felt so much better.  Bill picked Hailey up from school for us since we had to go to the dentist.  So thankful he was able to help out.  I asked him to take Hailey to Taco Bell and he was happy to do that.  Hailey was very happy too.  Max wanted Jet's pizza so when we got to his house, we called and ordered the pizza's and then Max and I went to pick them up, while Hailey watched the boys.  
We all loved the pizza. I took Max to his friend, Jacob's, to spend the night.  Got home and practiced spelling and memory work with the boys.  Evan had lots of homework, but he got right at it and worked on it till it was done.  He did a great job tonight.  Jack only had a page and did it right away.  After I read to Evan and tucked the boys in, Hailey and I hung out.  Abby started getting her toys out and wanted to play.  We sure laughed at her and had fun playing with her.  Hailey is sure a great help and does a great job getting her stuff done and packing her lunch.  Bill picked up the popcorn at the theater tonight and went to the Rescue Mission with Faith Riders.  Wes, Gayla and Isaac showed up to help with Movie Night there.  15 Men came to watch the movie and some were in tears they were so touched by it.  Praise God for working in their hearts.   I missed being there, but I was sure happy to just be able to stay with my kiddos and get lots done.

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