Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019...Kimmy and boys came over, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over, Got pictures from Melissa finally, Yay! Fun day, Showed movie "What If" at Rescue Mission

Evan, Max and Jack


Hailey, Melissa, Max and Bruce
Evan and Jack

Hailey, Max, Melissa, Bruce, Brenda, (Jack and Evan in front)
Evan with his Grandma Brenda

Hailey, Max, Jack and Evan with BB8

Max, Jack and Evan...with Star Wars Character

                                                             Hailey with Star Wars Character

Evan and Jack in the line up to have a saber light fight with Darth Vader

Jack with his footlong hotdog

Max, Hailey, Jack and Evan eating lunch.  Bruce and Melissa said the Meal was  $97.  Thats what it would have cost if they didn't have the meal plan.  5 hamburgers and fries, 1 footlong hot dog, and 6 drinks.  Happy they had the plan!

This was the snoozing room.  Wyatt, Abby and Bill napping.  Jacob, Kimmy, Vikki, and I were in the dining room next to it playing 3-13

Peyton, Eli and Adam
Isaac, Peyton, and Eli
It's starting to open!  Yay
Adam and Abby

Napping buddies
Jacob adding our scores

Papa taking the Adam, Eli, Isaac and Peyton a ride

Me by the worshiping lawn art piece Fred and Lourdes got me

Yikes...Kimmy holding a snake

Eli and the snake

Isaac looking at the snake

Isaac, Eli & snake, Jacob and Peyton

Eli and Peyton woke up at 7.  They ate and then wanted to watch the 101 Dalmations Movie while I took my shower and got ready.  Kimmy and Jacob got here pretty early which was nice.  Vikki, Adam and Isaac got here right after that.  Charlie got us all donuts and sent them in with Bill when he dropped him off.  They were delicious.  I made homemade bread and egg salad for lunch and we had Kimmy's delicious salad with it.  The girls and Jacob helped put out the wooden swings, the gliders, the cover for our Pergola and other stuff.  They are amazing helpers.  Jacob sure is strong now and has the best attitude about helping.  We started setting p our old screen tent to see if we should sell it or throw it away.  It ripped because the material is rotting so we are tossing it.  We spent lots of time outside.  It was beautiful and in the high 50's.  Bill took everyone but Jacob and me on a wagon ride.  They were having so much fun and the kids were laughing and waving.  Papa sure knows how to have fun with them.  Jacob, Vikki,  Kimmy and I played 3-13.  Jacob was the big winner and I was the big loser.  Vikki got a couple of pat hands and stuck us, but Jacob still won.  She got four wild cards in one hand and threw a wild to me when she went out right away.  I had two wild in my hand too so I didn't get any points that hand at least.  We loaded the drill press in the van for Jared to have.
Bill did a demonstration with it before we loaded it.  We picked up our popcorn donation from the theater and went to the Rescue Mission to show the movie What If.  Wes and Gayla brought orange drink donated from McDonalds.  Isaac came to help us serve.  There were 15 guys there.  Several commented on how good the movie was.  One said whoever picked out the movie, picked the right one.  I love movie night at the Rescue Mission and how it touches their hearts.  Such a blessing.

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