Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday, 3/29/19...Melissa and family come home tonight. Kimmy and the boys came over, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over, We all went swimming. Jared met us there

Abby's favorite spot to sleep....She is the doggie in the middle ha ha

                           Adam, Isaac, Peyton, Eli and Jacob...Waffles and sausage for lunch
Jacob and Papa....some of us had Waffles with fresh strawberries and cool whip on them. They were yummy
Jacob, Peyton and Eli...nice day outside. Low 50's.  Not as warm as yesterday.
Adam and Jacob
Eli and Wyatt

Me and Jacob....he is the best helper

Eli, Peyton and Jacob up in the loft, Bill down below




Jacob, Adam, me and and my boys

Adam and Jacob



Isaac, Adam, Peyton and Jacob


Peyton and Isaac

Vikki made this jewelry holder out of an old drawer Bill was getting rid of.  She is so talented.

Abby sure does sleep sound...she was snoring away when I took this
Jack, Hailey, Evan and Max....last day in Florida

                                                                   Max Evan, Jack and Hailey

Jack, Evan and Max by the Liberty Bell made out of Lego's 

Excited that Melissa and family are flying home today.  Sure have been missing them.  Kimmy and Vikki and kiddos all came over again today.  Jacob, Kimmy and I played 3-13.  Kimmy moved from the chair in the west to the chair in the east and started getting much better hands, even though we were in the same order.  Jacob was the big winner again though.  He sure wins a lot.  We had waffles and sausage for lunch.  I used my new waffle maker.  They sure tasted yummy with strawberries on them.  We went outside for a while and sat on the swing in the sun.  Sure was relaxing.  None of us wanted to move.  We got ready at 3 and went to Old Navy so Kimmy could get Jacob some swimming trunks he liked.  I stayed in the van with the other two boys and relaxed.  Vikki came there too and then we all drove to Delta.  Jared was there when we got in the building.  We all had fun swimming and going in the lazy river.  Adam, Jacob, Eli, and Isaac all took the swimming test and got their wrist bands to swim in the deep end.  Peyton tried but just when she was almost at the end she got tired.  She only had 5 more feet to go.  She did a great job for her age though.  She got a life jacket and went in the deep end, which is 11 feet deep.  The kids and adults (other than me) had fun going down the water slide too.  It was such a fun day.  Bill went to a dentist appointment.  We though he would come afterward, but he didn't make it.  We came back to my house so Kimmy could get Wyatt.  Adam rode from Delta with Jared and went home.  Kimmy and the other boys left after they got Wyatt, Adam's blanket and a couple of other things.  Watched a movie.  Melissa texted me at 11:30 p.m. and they were home safe and sound.  I was so happy to hear from her.  Thanking and Praising God!

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