Tuesday, March 19, 2019

3/19/19...Went to breakfast, took grandkids to school, Did care group lesson and baked cake to take, Had a great care group

Great niece Avoree with a sloth in Mexico

My niece Angel with the sloth (Avoree's mom)

Vikki sent me this picture!  Such cute kiddos.  I sure have been missing their hugs.
This is where the lawn figurine ended up??????

Beautiful moon tonight!  Picture doesn't show how really bright and beautiful it is.

I took Max, Jack and Evan to school.  On our way, a car was stopped at the light and I was going through and the car turned across right in front of us.  We thanked God right then for His protection.  It sure was close.  After I dropped the boys off, I went back to Melissa's until time to go to breakfast.  Melissa, Hailey, Abby and I just laid around on the couches and relaxed.  Hailey's ride came and shortly after that I went to our breakfast.  There were 11 of us there.  Phyllis bought my breakfast for my birthday.  So sweet of her.  I went to the Bethesda Store and found a black picture frame for our family picture to hand above my desk.  It was only 2.99.  I was just telling Kimmy last night that I wanted to get one.  I made a jello poke cake for our care group and picked up some fruit for our snack tonight.  I asked Bill why he moved my worshipping lawn art figurine into the yard and he told me he didn't move it.  I knew right away who did.  I sent a message to Kimmy saying Jared's been at it again and she replied, "What did he move".  I had to laugh at her quick reply.  We had a great care group and an amazing lesson and discussion.  Roy was able to come again which was nice. 

1 comment:

Lela said...

You know that boy!!! He needs to change his ways to another surprise adventure for you! Hope to see them this coming Sun, Mon. and Tues...3/13 coming on strong.