Saturday, March 16, 2019

Sat., 3/16/19...Went to Jack's basketball game, Took Hailey Home, Dropped off Shakes and a Frappe at Vikki's, Went to Outback with Bill, then shopping at At Home and Hobby Lobby

Hailey at Jack's game

Jack (#1) playing his last game of the year

Jack with his coaches and team
Plaque Bill got me for the kitchen wall

Beautiful Pop Up Flower birthday card from Bill's sister, Carol.  Amaryllis in the background on the table is getting tall quickly.
Saw this at Hobby Lobby when Bill and I were looking around.  It was Kenzie's favorite scripture!  I have great memories of her having me look it up, and then she would say it from memory to me.

Bill got up early and went to take James to look at a power chair for James.  They were going out to breakfast afterward.  I slept in this morning.  I went to Jack's game at 11.  Bill and James came right after it started.  We sat with Melissa, Hailey and Bruce.  Jack's team won!  Jack had his team party afterward.  Hailey wanted to go home, so I took her with me.  Bill had asked Bruce if he could help him unload the power chair at Great Lakes.  He said he could come after the party.  I got Hailey a Frappe at Starbucks on our way to her house.  Took shakes to Peyton and Isaac, and a Frappe from McDonald's to Vikki.  It was so nice to see them through the window.  Haven't been around them since Isaac had the flu.  I'm still staying away as I don't want to get it and pass it to Melissa.  Their trip to Florida is coming up fast now.  Bill and James prayed that God would send someone to help unload the power chair as they turned off from Mackinaw.  The car ahead of them pulled in to Great Lakes.  The guy got out and Bill asked if he could help him and the guy said yes.   I went to Great Lakes after I left Vikki's. I was walking to Roy's room to visit and Bill and James were just coming out and James was on his power chair.  He was pretty happy.  I visited with Roy for a while and then went to meet in Jame's room.  Bill was getting a cup holder fastened to the power chair for James.  Was a sweet servant of the Lord Bill is!  We went to visit Pearlie in her room.  We knocked on her door and then went in.  Pearlie will be 98 this month.  She's the one who came to our care group movie on Tuesday.  Her grandson and his wife were visiting her and Bill couldn't believe it hardly....Her grandson was the guy who helped him unload the power chair.  Of all the people in there that it could have been, it was him.  God sure orchestrated that!  They were so sweet and love the Lord too!  We went to Outback at 4:30 and ate. We thought we were getting there early, but it was packed.  We only had to wait about 10 minutes before that sat us at a table.  We each had steak and I got a free birthday sundae.  YUM!  We shared it.   We walked around At Home store and Hobby Lobby afterward.  Bill got me a plaque at Hobby Lobby for the kitchen wall I just painted.  We watched a Hallmark movie.

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