Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tues, 5/28/19 Camping at Outdoor Adventures

James and Bill at the Memorial Day Parade 

Joel, Bill and Wes at the parade

Bill wanted me to stand in this puddle so he could take my picture in my Muck Boots

We slept in. We decided to go take showers.  When we got there, a lady was coming out of the bathroom and told us she had locked herself out of her camper.  She was in her robe and her husband had left and she couldn’t get in touch with him.  I told her she could come stay in our camper, but she said she had a friend next to her camper.   Bill’s shower was a cold one and mine was a near scalding one.  He was on one end and I was on the other.  Guess the middle would be just right.  We read our Bibles by the fireplace and were nice and cozy.  It was 53 degrees out.  We went for a walk.  Happy to have those Muck boots.  The honey wagon came and emptied our tanks.  Catching up on reading some good books friends have given me.  Yesterday Jacob gave me a book to read too, so I’m starting that one next.  We went for a ride to Dolney’s RV Center to look for a mirror Bill wants for the front of the camper.  They didn’t have it.  Took more walks.  Watched Jeopardy.  Played 3-13. I was the winner finally.

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