Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wed. 5/8/19...Walked 2 miles, Took Melissa to therapy, got raspberry plants planted, Logans with Bill, Extravaganze at Bethlehem

Our woods  have pretty flowers coming

                                                    Adam and Jacob ready for their concert

Bruce, Melissa, Evan, Hailey, Jack

Evan and Jack playing their violins

Jack playing his recorder

Max waiting to play his trombone

Max playing his trombone

Ally (holding Mr. Sharmans baby) and Hailey

Hailey, Jack, Melissa Sue, Max, Evan and Papa Bill

Max eating his cookie after the concert

Jack and Evan



Walked with Bill at the SportsZone. Came home and ate oatmeal for breakfast.  Went to Melissa’s and visited a while before e left for therapy.  Raked some leaves off from some plants coming up in the woods.  Picked Melissa up.  Took her a turkey sandwich I made and a Molasses cookie.  She was happy.  She’s always hungry after four hours of therapy.  I took her home and got some raspberry plants from her yard.  Came home and planted the raspberries.  Bill and I went to Logans for dinner.  Picked Vikki up and went to Max, Jack and Evans school extravaganza.  They did such a great job playing their instruments.  Sue came too.  We all loved it!  So sad that Jacob and Adam's concert was on the same night.  Wish I could have been in two places.  This was the first concert for Max, Jack and Evan, so I went there since I've been to Jacob and Adam's other concerts.  Can't wait to see Kimmy's videos.  Great news! Avoree got baptized! Tina put the video on.  I am so happy! Thank you Jesus!

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