Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, 3/13/2020..Governor orders Schools closed for 3 weeks, Took Melissa to Therapy, Had Nana time with Max, Vikki and Isaac came over

Evan playing the piano for me


Vikki's cute haircut
Evan and I sorted pictures today and found this one.   My mom and I took the girls into Rics Food Center in Hemlock to get their pictures taken.  Well none of them would let them take their pictures, so I had to get in the picture with them to get it taken.  I sure don't see any smiles on their faces ha ha, and I sure wasn't prepared to get in it lol!  It sure is a memory though!

Adam texted me in the morning that starting Monday, their school would be closed for 3 weeks.  I looked to see if the other grandkids had school and saw that Melissa's kids didn't, but Vikki's did. I saw that the governor had cancelled all schools in Michigan for 3 weeks.  I went and picked up Melissa for therapy.  We took Evan with us and he spent time with me while Melissa was in therapy.  He played with legos, played songs on the piano for me and because he couldn't come help pick up sticks the other day, wanted to know if we had a job for him.  He always wants to help out.  I had him help me sort through a box full of pictures.  We had fun looking at them and he sure was a big help.  We picked Melissa up and her therapist came and talked to Evan because she heard he laughed and thought it was pretty funny that she didn't know the difference between a sheep and a lamb.  She was really cute with him.  When we got to Melissa's house, Max came with me to Tony's for Nana time.  We had such a nice time talking.  He had chocolate chip pancakes and bacon and I had a hamburger.  Loved spending time with him!  Came home and watched President Trump and the Coronavirus team share on the News.  Vikki and Isaac came over in the evening for a while.  She got her hair cut today and it looks beautiful!

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