Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wed., 3/11/2020...Walked 2 1/2 miles, Took Rich to Ann Arbor to have port put in

I got up early to walk on the treadmill.  Got 2 1/2 miles in and then made oatmeal for breakfast for us.  We left at 9:30 to pick Rich and Pat up to take them to Ann Arbor for Rich to have a port put in.  We had a nice visit on our way.  The checked us for Corona Virus Symptoms and asked us questions, hen gave us a blue sticker so everyone would know we had been checked and didn't have it.  We went to the cafeteria to get something to drink when we got there.  Rich went back to get the port in, and because they were training someone, it took 2 hours instead of one.  We had a long wait not knowing what was going on.  When he came out, he had packages of Oreo cookies and juice boxes for all of us.  We left and stopped at Cracker Barrel on our way home.  They treated us to dinner.  I got the chicken fried chicken which is their Sunday homestyle chicken and it was delicious.  Two huge pieces of chicken, so I had to bring one of them home and will have it tomorrow.  It was a long day, but a nice day to spend with good friends.  Adam texted me.  Melissa called me to let me know her appointment for her braces went really well.  I was happy to hear that.  Vikki called me when we got home.

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