Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thurs.,3/19/2020..Beautiful sunrise

The sunrise was picture didn't quite capture it
Big robin sitting on the post of our deck
I thought my sunrise was beautiful until I saw Kimmy's picture of her sunrise.  Isn't hers beautiful!
Found this picture of Kenzie reading her Picture Bible 
Peyton holding Lucy....Lucy's new haircut...Vikki did great
Ha Ha!  I found legos in each of the drawers in the server in the basement.  The boys hide their favorite pieces....Thank they forget about them...These have been in here for about 5 years now. 
I have big containers of legos...but these must all be treasures ha ha

I made concrete mixers for Bill land I

Bruce (Superman) with Jack and Evan...

Bruce and Evan having fun....Love those smiles.  Bill had gotten this superman pj set from the kids one Christmas and had put it away.  Melissa found it and talked Bruce into wearing it to make the kids laugh.  They sure did.

Woke up to a beautiful sunrise, lots of robins and much to be thankful to God for.
Walked a mile on the treadmill, we ate breakfast, and then Bill worked out in the shed.  He cleaned it and also took the snowblower off the tractor.  I took him out some water and an ice drink, because I know he shouldn't get dehydrated.  He never thinks to get something to drink out there when he's working, until he gets cramps in his hands.  I closed up the camper.  I also cleaned the family room and living room.  In the evening, I made yummy concrete mixers for Bill and I out of Cookies and Cream ice cream, almond milk, a Hershey candy bar, and cashews.  We started watching a movie a girl who grew up and always prayed to God and never got answers, but when she got all her prayers finally answered, it started turning weird, so we turned it off.  Just didn't feel right about it and didn't think it was going to be good.  We watched the news.

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