Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday, 3/15/20…Listened to church online. Great worship and great message.

Robin in the front yard
Loved seeing robins....there were so many in our yard today
Hailey visiting me through the camper window

Love my Hailey happy she came to visit me

Hailey driving Bruce back home
My sweetie Peyton
Vikki straightened Peyton's sure is getting long
Isaac doing his hair too ha ha!  Such a cute sweetie!

Sue and Charlie paid Kimmy and Jared a surprise visit
Love this picture of Kimmy's lambs

Bill went to church.  Our service was cancelled and would be online, so I listened at home.  Awesome God, Awesome worship and amazing message.  In the camper, praying, listening, reading my Bible, listening to great worship and thanking God for my wonderful family and His amazing love and mercy.  Thankful that President Trump called a National Day of Prayer for the Coronavirus.  Where does our help come from?  Our help comes from the Lord!!!!
I am so grateful that he knows that and is leading our nation.  Talked with Vikki and Melissa and had special visitors through the camper window.  Bruce was coming o get something out of their camper.  Hailey wasn’t going with him, but when she found out he was coming here and I would see her and talk to her through the window, she had him turn around and go back and get her.  What a sweet granddaughter.  We had a nice visit through the window and shared how this is hard, but well worth it to keep her mom from getting it.  We trust the Lord, but we do our part too.  Her and Bruce’s visit with me made my day! I called my bff Vikki and she sounded terrible. I was calling to cancel our birthday lunch at Zehnders. She was so sick! She said she was going to call me and cancel, but she wasn’t feeling good enough to!  She got tested and is waiting for results!  Praying for my sweet friend!

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