Monday, December 11, 2023

Dec., 12/11/23, Kenzie’s baby was born Yay! Met Vikki to get Kenzie’s house key, Kimmy came over, We went to pick up Myles from Kenzie’s, Made out Christmas cards, went to Applebee's

Our first great grandchild/grandson, Rehvyn Dream was born today.  He weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz., and was 19 1/2 inches long.  We are so thankful and happy.  Such a great miracle and blessing from the Lord!
Proud daddy, Travis, with Rehyvn.  Congratulations Travis and Kenzie!

Pretty Cross card from Sister C.  It is so neat how it’s made.  Zoom into see alll the swirls

Kept checking through the night to see if Kenzie had the baby.  No, No and No.  Checked again in the morning when I woke up. No again.  Vikki called and was going to come drop off the key to Kenzie’s house after she took the kids to school.  I told her I would meet her and pick it up to save her time.  She parked in the parking lot next to me, cracked her window a little, and I used a sanitizing wipe and grabbed it from her.   Bill met Charlie for coffee and then went for a bladder scan at the VA hospital.  It went good and results were good.  I came home and had my oatmeal and cappuccino while I was waiting for Kimmy to come here.  When she got here, I made her a cappuccino.  We talked to Melissa to let her know Kenzie still hadn’t had the baby..  Kimmy drank a little of her cappuccino, then we put the rest in a to go cup and we headed to Kenzie’s.  Melissa talked to us most of the way.  Vikki called us, so we hung up from Melissa.  Kenzie was dilated to 7.  We called Melissa back to let her know.  We all thought it would go fast from here on.  Kimmy and I went inside when we got to Kenzie’s.  Kimmy went first so she could grab Mylee and make sure she didn’t escape outside.  Kimmy took Mylee outside.   I started cleaning up the Poinsettia plant and candle holder that Mylee had knocked over.  Also picked up the box of candy canes and the ones I saw on the floor.  Also cleaned up some Kleenex and cardboard she chewed.  She didn’t make too bad of a mess for being left so long.  When Kimmy came in, she noticed a puddle by where Mylee was when we got there.  She did that when she got so excited to see us.  I cleaned it up while Kimmy held Mylee so she didn’t step in it and track it all over.  Kimmy started sweeping up some more papers Mylee had chewed.  She was a pretty good girl though.  We were glad she didn’t chew on the leaves of the plant.   Kimmy gave the outside cat water, and also watered the ducks and chickens.  We headed back to my house.  Kenzie and Travis called, and we were so happy to hear from them.  It had been a long time.  Kenzie talked, but we could tell she was in lots of pain.  They gave us updates, and were really happy Kimmy had Mylee and was taking her home with her.  We talked for a few minutes, then they had to go.  We called Melissa back to let her know they had called.  Kimmy had a bowl of chicken noodle soup and I had a bowl of goulash when we got to my house.  She left after that to pick up kids from school.  
We were all on pins and needles waiting all day for information.  Finally we heard our first great grandson was born weighting 7 lbs. 8 oz. at 4:43 p.m. (on the same day Melissa Gager’s baby, Penny, turned 1 year old.) We were all happy about that.  We waited to see pictures, but are still waiting for those.  We do know he has lots of hair and is healthy and beautiful.  Thank You, Lord.  Yay, so thankful for pictures to post on his day of birth.  You have to click on the ? mark to see the pictures.

Bill and I went to Applebees for dinner.  There weren’t many there at the time we went.  He had chicken strips and I had an oriental grilled chicken salad.  When he prayed over our food he thanked God for our new grand baby, and asked God to bless Kenzie, Travis and baby.  I sure was in agreement.  

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