Friday, December 29, 2023

Friday, 12/29/23, Bill filled the car, truck and cans with gas, went to Coco Loco with Peyton and Hailey, watched Little House Episodes with the girls, They spent the night

Bill, me, Peyton and Hailey at Coco Loco
They put the sombrero on Hailey and we could hardly see her lol.  Then the waitress went to feed her the first bite (never seen a waitress do that before)

Her first bite...she was so cute!
She was so cute with some on her nose
Such a fun girl
Peyton was fun watching too and loved trying the sombrero on
Me and two of my very sweet loving granddaughters
Hailey and Peyton watching Little House
Bruce and Melissa got to open their present from Bruce’s mom today.  His mom and dad came to visit and spend the day.  She ordered a set of plates from Kimmy for them.  She knew they would love these.  She sure was right.  They are just beautiful and Melissa loved that they aren’t heavy.  Kimmy made them just right.  Kimmy threw in a pie dish too.  Great job Kimmy.  You sure made your sister and brother in law happy.  

We ate breakfast and had our coffee.  I had oatmeal and Bill had cereal.  I put on some amazing worship music.  We read our Bibles afterwards.  

Bill wanted to move the basement stuff around, but I like it just like it is.  Not to mention the fact that there are two lights he put up for over the ping pong table.  Once I pointed that out, he decided it was fine like it was.  Instead, he decided to fix the futon.  The boys broke the boards under it.  Bill cut boards to put along the broken boards to brace it and make it strong again.  It worked perfect.  It’s nice and sturdy and folds into a bed easily still.  We will have to train the grandsons to only sit on it normally.  Bill sure did a great job.  He had me come down and try it out.  

I put away some Christmas decorations.  We both went to Krogers to get $1 off gas up to 35 gallons on both my car, Bill’s truck and some cans. Sure was nice to get it for $1.85.  I went shopping for a few things since the girls are spending the night and Bill had to stop at Menards.  I talked to Melissa a couple of times. 

I talked to Kimmy.  Her gifts for her nephews didn’t arrive, so she called me to see if they had been delivered since she ordered on my computer.  They said delivered to the porch by front door.  I took a picture of the picture they sent of it by the door.  Kimmy had thought it was delivered to a neighbor and she was right.  They got it and all was well.  I was so glad.

Bill and I met Hailey, and Peyton (Vikki brought her).  We had a police car with it lights on zoom past us, then we saw a fire truck pull out with its lights on.  We got to the corner where the restaurant was and there was a bad three car accident there.  I prayed on the way it wasn’t Hailey or Vikki.  Vikki called to see if we were ok and was relieved that we were and I was relieved she was ok.  I called Hailey and was relieved that she was ok too.  I let Vikki know right away and she was relieved too.  We prayed for whoever was in the accident to be ok and to call on Jesus to be their savior if He wasn’t.  

Hailey and I got 1/2 orders of Beef and Bean Nachos, Bill got the same only with no cheese sauce, and Peyton got two soft taco’s.  Everybody but Bill took some leftovers home.
Bill told them we were celebrating Hailey’s December Birthday, so they sang to her and put the sombrero on her and gave her free fried ice cream.  We all sure had lots of fun and the food was great.  We came home and watched Little House on the Prairie.  Peyton had ice cream and also gold fish, but the rest of us were too full to do any snacking.  Kenzie called and I talked to her for a few minutes.  I got to hear Rehvyn in he background.  So sweet.

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