Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wed., 6/26/24, went to Dr. appt. For hand in Brighton , saw Kimmy, Eli and Adam were still at campground when I got back, Eli spent the night

Isaac took these pictures of the campground with his drone.
Peyton made this dangle to go next to my Bluejay
Adam and Peyton relaxing 
Eli with his Brandon Lake hairstyle Aunt Vikki gave him!
Isaac and Eli had fun hanging out 
I had fun playing the penny game with the kids!
Our campsite picture Isaac took with his drone

 I went home in the morning so I could get some laundry done and go to my doctor appointment in Brighton.  I had checked my GPS and it said it took 1 hr. From my house.  Now it said 1 hour and twenty minutes. It showed my time of arrival at 1:45 which was my appointment time.  I prayed to God to help me get there on time.  I made good time until I got to the Mt. Morris exit.  They had us get of there, go to London Rd., then go for quite a ways, the down Pierson Rd and back on the expressway.  The cars were moving very slow.  Four way stops were crazy slow.i tried to make up the time by going a little over the speed limit.  It said arrival time was 1:48 now.  I prayed for God to give me a close parking spot and help me find the right entrance.  When I got there, I was at the right entrance, a car pulled out and I parked close.  It was 2 minutes before my appointment.  I got to sight in right away and I had pre registered online before, so I could just sit down. Two minutes later they called me back.  The girl took me to X-Ray and took 4 X-Rays of my hand.  After that I saw an intern and then the doctor.  They are going to call me to schedule my surgery.

Going home was a breeze with no construction.  I stopped at Cracker Barrel and had a homestyle dinner.  Yum!  I got home, got a few things done, then head d back to the campground.  Vikki called me and said Kimmy was still there.  I got back and had a little time to spend with Kimmy and Adam before they left to go to Adam’s soccer practice.  Eli spent the night so we had lots of fun with him. I loved listening to Eli, Peyton and Isaac sing to Christian music. We played the penny game and part of a game of 3:13.  Eli slept in the pea pod tent inside the clam.  It was a fun evening!

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