Sunday, June 9, 2024

Monday, 6/10/24, Took Sister Carol to her appt., returned pool straps we don’t need, went to Sam’s, Kimmy, Eli and Adam came over and we started staining the deck, Max came over, Evan came over, went to McDonalds, went to Home Depot,

The deck power washed and ready to stain
Eli mixing the stain
Eli and Adam staining their section
They were such great workers.  They didn’t even want to stop to go out to eat with Papa and Max
Me staining...this was Kimmy and my section
We got a lot done today for starting late
Bill saw the neighbor had cut down a tree, and piled the branches at the end of his little woods.  Bill told him he would burn them for him.  He had the Adam, Eli and Evan haul them up with him so he could burn them today.  They were hard workers doing that too.
Me, Adam, Evan and Eli when we said goodbye in the van at McDonalds.  They are all fun and just the nicest grandkids.
Hailey sent me these cute pictures at Valley Lutheran’s Graduation yesterday.  Hailey, Ally and friends
Besties since preschool....Now both finished their second year of college
Brianna with Hailey and Ally
Luke and Hailey
Luke with his sister and Hailey
I love these two girls.  I always took a picture of them together and now they are taking them still and sending them to me when I’m not there.  I trained them well.

I got up at 5:15 a.m. and got ready, then left at 6:30 to be at Bill’s sister, Carol’s at 7 to take her to her appointment.  I surprised her and took her a rhubarb pie I made last night after I got home from the parade.  She had commented on my post of the picture of the rhubarb pie I made for our camping trip.  She was very happy when I gave it to her.  We went to her appointment to have an Echo test and a medicine stress test.  Last time I took her, the end screw thing broke off her oxygen tank.  It got caught between the door.  Today I prayed everything would go good.  We walked through the first door and she told me it was her fault it broke off last time because she should have walked through the doors.  The tank just got caught on the door edge.  This time she put the oxygen tank in front of her in the wheelchair and pushed it in.  I also stayed in the very middle of the doors.  I guess we both learned our lesson.  They didn’t send the instructions for her appt. in time so she never received them.  She had her first test done and it took 10 minutes.  Then she came out with a big cup that they had me fill at the water cooler.  She had to drink 2 of them.  She also had Fritos and chips to eat.  They wanted her eating something greasy which seemed weird.  She went back in for her stress test.  I was talking to Sue and praying for some prayer needs they had for today, when the worker guy came and said, Penny, could you go get Carol an egg McMuffin, hash brown and black coffee from McDonalds?  She needed more grease he said.  He told me the closest one to go to and I went and got her what she wanted and also got me an egg McMuffin.  She was coming out when I got there, so I moved a plant off an end table and slid it over so she could set her hot coffee on it.  She ate the hash brown, which was super greasy, then took a few bites of the egg McMuffin.  Her coffee was too hot to drink.  They came out before she could finish eating and got her.  She went back to finish the test, then came out and they said she was done.  She had to go to the bathroom, so I wheeled her over to the door.  She told me she could get up and walk in, but I needed to take the oxygen tank out of the holder on the wheelchair.  Well, it wouldn’t come out.  When the guy set it in, the wheel got caught and it was too tight to get it out.  Finally after we were trying for a while, the young girl behind the window in the office asked if we needed help.  We told her what was wrong and she came out and helped us.  She said she didn’t care if she had to break the wheelchair.  She tried with us for quite a while, then finally I held a part back for her and up a little and she was able to pull the wheel out.  Yay!  I asked Carol if she had adventures with the oxygen tank like this with Bill and she said no.  I guess I will have to pray harder next time.  We sure had a good laugh on the way home.  

I went to return the solar cover straps we didn’t use.  After that I went to Sam’s Club and Aldi’s.  Kimmy called and they were coming over to start staining the deck, so I stopped at Home Depot to get some cheap brushes she liked that she sent me a picture of.  Well they didn’t have any cheap brushes.  I decided to go to Meijer to look and see if they had them.  They did, so I picked up some.  I came home and Kimmy and Adam and Eli got there shortly after.  Eli stirred the stain, then we filled our containers and all started staining.  It went much faster than I thought it would.  It was fun staining with Kimmy.  We would start on three boards and work to the middle where we would meet.  Then we gave it a second coat right away.  I put good Christian music on so we could all listen to it while we worked.  
Those boys were amazing workers and did a great job.  They finished their section before us, so they went in and had muffins I picked up from Sam’s Club this morning.  Adam made some sandwiches too.  Bill took Max out for a hamburger to Culvers, and when he dropped Max off, he picked up Evan as he was going to spend the night at Kimmy’s.  He was so sweet and gave me the biggest hugs.  Kimmy and I thought we were coming to the easy shorter part, but it ended up taking long, because Bill had to replace to boards that were rotting.  After he got that done, we were back at it.  The deck sure looks beautiful.  Thank you Kimmy and boys.  What hard workers you are and what huge blessings.  Bill and the boys worked on hauling brush and burning it after they had been in the house for a while.  They sure are joyful workers too. 

The boys, Kimmy and I went to 7-11 and McDonalds on their way home.  I followed in my car and treated them.  Kimmy didn’t want me to, but there was no way I wasn’t going to after all their hard work.  We used the app on our phones and did four orders and saved quite a bit of money.  They headed home, and I came back to my house and picked up Bill.  We went to Home Depot and tried to get the stain.  They told us they didn’t sell it, but the one on Gratiot did.  I had him call to see if they had some.  He said they had 9 cans.  We headed to that one, and got there 12 minutes after they closed.  They close an hour earlier than the other store.  That would have been nice for the guy to tell us.  Now Bill will go in the morning and get it before we start staining.  It was a busy, but fun day.

Poor Peyton was sick throwing up and having diarrhea since 3 a.m.  We prayed for her to get better fast.  In the evening, Vikki FaceTimed me and Peyton was doing good.  She sent me a funny video earlier, so I thought she was starting to feel better.   She was doing great.  They thought it was because she was putting the pool water in her mouth so much yesterday.

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