Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sat. June 8, 2024, Went to Faith Riders Chapter meeting, went to Eli’s soccer game and half of Adam’s soccer game, went to Michael’s graduation party, went to Aldi, watched K Love Fan Awards

Eli’s Soccer game, he really moves fast and does a great job for his team.  It was raining lightly during his game so Kimmy and I sat under the Sportsbrella.  It sure was nice and kept us dry.  Great game.  They tied 2 to 2.  Eli is in the pink socks!
Eli, me and Adam

Adam’s game.  I could only stay for half of it because I had to get to a graduation party.  Adam did a great job too.  He is fast and has a powerful kick.  It started raining harder for his game.  I love watching them both play. 
Jacob sent me this picture because I had told him the other day to send a picture of him and Abi.  Ha Ha, I told him I could only see part of his face, so he should have Hailey show him how to take good .5’s or have Abi take the selfie.  They are wearing their cross bracelets Abi got for them.  Then he sent me the picture below. 
Much better!  They are such a cute couple who love Jesus!
Me and Michael at his graduation party.  He has grown into an amazing young man who loves God and is on fire for Him.   I loved having him in my K-1 class.  He has always been special to my heart because of his kind heart and love for Jesus!  He would always come see me even when he wasn’t in my class anymore.  
This is his brother Chris.  He was in my class too and was an awesome kid too and is a wonderful young man who is married and he and his wife are going to have their first baby.  I had their two sisters in my class too and should have gotten a picture with them.  They were all amazing kiddos and now awesome young guys and ladies.  It was so good seeing them all again and their mom and dad.  We had such a fun time.
FaceTiming with my sweetie Rehvyn at his Grammy's
Cute picture Vikki sent me.  He makes the walker move now.  He’s 6 months and getting so big and fun.  Still always smiling!
Precious picture of Rehvyn falling asleep with his grammy holding him

We went to Faith Riders Chapter meeting at 9.  Had a great breakfast then a wonderful meeting.  There were only 11 of us because most of the chapter is up at Mackinac City witnessing at an Event and bike blessing.  It was just a great meeting though.  Lew and Cindy did a great job leading it and Jim C. gave a great message from Nehemiah.  That’s the book of the Bible I just finished tonight.  Renee and Dan were there (they live close to Kimmy and their grandson took care of their animals when they went to Copper Harbor).  They travel a lot so, it was really good to have them there.

After the meeting, we picked up some oranges from Vikki that Rody brought out to us for my orioles.  Her birds don’t eat them.  We came home and I got ready quick so I could go to Eli and Adam’s games.  I moved my swings in farther under the gazebo, so the cushions would stay dry.  Then I said hi to Bruce and Max before I headed to the soccer field.  Nice that both boys played on the same field only an hour apart.  I went to Hobby Lobby between games to take a strawberry timer I had gotten with Kenzie.  Neither of them worked.  I came back and it was raining harder.  So thankful for the sportsbrella.  Adam was in the van and the lights got left on, so the battery died.  I gave Jared my keys, but he came back because the batter wasn’t where it is in a normal car.  Kimmy googled it and when I left, he went to the car with me and got it started right away.  The battery is in the trunk underneath compartment.  I was glad he figured it out.  Poor guy he was getting wet.  I left and got home, then Bill got ready and we left for Michael’s graduation party.  It only went from 3-5.  Everyone got there at about the same time.  It was in a subdivision so cars were parked all along the roads.  Bill found us a good spot close that someone must have just pulled out of.  It was a nice party and we were happy to see Michael and the rest of his family.  They were happy to see us too.  We saw our friend Jen who owns the Global Tans around here and also
Souper Cafe, one of our favorite places to eat.  Her husband’s brother came from out of state to go fishing on the boat, so Chad and the kids didn’t come.  Our friends, the Galsterer’s from church came too and it was so nice to see them.  DeClan was in my class too and came to give me a hug.  He’s going into 6th grade now.  They sure grow up fast.  His dad does root canals and did one for Kimmy and didn’t charge her anything above what insurance paid because she was our daughter.  He didn’t even know her.  He had done a couple free when Bill needed them too.  He’s kind hearted and is generous.  He had lost a lot of weight and I didn’t recognize him at first.  

We left and I went to Aldi’s to get my stuff to make banana cream pudding dessert for when we go to Debbie’s after the Bavarian Festival Parade.  We are all going except Kenzie and Travis.  Kenzie might stop there to pick up Rehvyn though.  I made the dessert when we got home, then I watched the K Love Fan Awards.  I always love watching that.  Such great worship and songs.  

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