Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wed., 6/5/24, Planted the garden, helped Bill with the electric fence, took another chipmunk to relatives., stopped at Charlie and Sues, went to Culver’s, helped

Peyton helping plant the garden
Isaac working with papa putting the stakes in
Isaac helping plant
Peyton, me, Isaac and Bill....working on getting the garden planted
The thing Isaac is lifting and putting over the post is super heavy.  I can’t believe he could lift it like that.  He’s a super good worker!
When Peyton was done planting, she jumped in the pool.  It was just opened so it had to be pretty cold.

Gardens are all planted!

Cute geese at Charlie and Sue’s.  I delivered spaghetti to them tonight.  They have had a rough week and could use prayer.  He goes to U of M hospital tomorrow to get his throat stretched again. 

This guy came back for more jelly.  Good thing I have two jelly feeders out this year!

We got up and started getting things ready for planting the garden.  Vikki dropped Peyton and Isaac off at 9:30 to help us plant.  They have been helping us plant the garden since they were old enough to.  They really worked hard and steady today and were joyful the whole time.  They are so much fun to plant with and sure make it lots easier for us.  Peyton helped me plant the whole garden.  Isaac helped put stakes in for the rows, planted some plants, then worked with Papa on putting the stakes in for the electric fence.  What blessings they are!  We sure appreciate them.  

Vikki got back and was amazed at how much we had planted already.  We were on the last rows of tomatoes when she came.  She took some pictures.  We sat up on the pool deck when the garden was done to watch Peyton swim.  She jumped right in that cold water with a smile on her face and just like a kid, said it wasn’t cold.  She stayed in a few minutes, then got out.  We were going to help her because the steps to the pool weren’t in yet, but she got right out herself.  When Bill and Isaac got done, we put the steps to the pool in.  Then we needed Peyton to get back in so she could put the container of sand in the spot for it in the pool steps.  She gladly did it.  

Peyton ate some spaghetti, but Isaac and Vikki weren’t hungry.  I wasn’t hungry yet either and neither was Bill.  Vikki and the kids left, and Bill and I put the wire around the electric fence in four levels to keep critters large and small out.  

 Max wanted to come here and target practice.  I saw it was going to rain, so I called Melissa to see if he wanted to come after it was done raining.  He did.  Then they extended the rain, so I called to see if he wanted to go for a ride with Bill.  He went and picked up Max and took him to Jay’s in Clare.  They called me to tell me they had ice cream.  Originally, I was going to pick Max up and bring him to our house and take him to Mooneys on our way here, but those plans changed.  

I took a chipmunk to drop off at his relatives.  I called Sue to see if they wanted some spaghetti, since they have had a very hard week, and she did.  I took some over to them, 
and then I went to the cemetery to visit my, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, great grandma and great grandpa and aunt’s graves.  I also visited our friend’s Wes and Gayla’s son’s and daughter in law’s who died in a plane crash when they were 24.  I’m going back to plant some flowers and plants by the graves.  They were all the best ever to me!  I sure do miss them all.

I went to Culver’s for a concrete mixer after that.  I was surprised when Michael came out and brought it to me.  He was one of my all time favorite boys in my Sunday School K-1 class.  He’s always had a special place in my heart.  We are going to his graduation party on Saturday.  I am very proud of him.  He loves the Lord and is faithfully serving Him!

When Bill got home, he hooked up the electric fence and turned it on.  Lots got done today and I am very thankful it’s done and we had so much help doing it.  Thanks again Peyton and Isaac!  

I talked to Kimmy and they are coming over tomorrow.  Hope is coming with them.  YAY!

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