Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wed., 6/19/24, Bill tilled the big garden, I hoed the small garden, Charlie came home from the hospital, Went to Kenzie to hang out with her, Rehvyn and Peyton,

The garden looked so nice after Bill tilled it this morning
Kenzie FaceTimed me and showed me Rehvyn sleeping.  I said aww he’s so sweet and he smiled.  He smiled bigger than the picture below, but I only caught the end of his smile
So precious
Me and my smiley boy
Kenzie filled this silicone fruit holder with fruit Rehvyn can have.  he loved sucking on it
He took it out and looked at it, then put it right back in his mouth
Kenzie and Peyton changed all the pictures on this Guess Who game to our family.  We had so much fun playing it today when I was there.  So many laughs and so many fun questions to ask because we know everyone well.  She sent it home with me so everyone can have a chance to play it.  
Kenzie and I playing Guess Who
Peyton and I playing Guess Who
Our small garden with squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, rhubarb and two blueberry bushes in it
I hoed the whole thing so Bill wouldn’t try to till it in the heat.   I was plenty hot when I got done, but I know to have my water bottle close by and take drinks when needed.  He makes me a little nervous in hot weather, because he forgets to drink when he works and gets hot and tired.

Bill tilled the garden right after he got up.  He did the whole thing at once and it was 80 already when he started.  No breeze today either.  Sue called and said Charlie was waiting for a bed at the hospital all night.  The doctor wanted to put a feeding tube in, but Charlie said no.  She wanted me to take the phone out so Bill could hear her tell me this too.  Well, I walked out there and Bill looked like he was going to pass out.  I quick came in the house and took him out a water, which he started drinking right away.  Then I got an outdoor chair and put it close by him so he sat down for a while.  He had been leaning against the trailer.  He gave me a good scare.  That’s why I want a smaller garden, but he says he’s always wanted a big garden.  Tomorrow is his stress test at 7:30 a.m.  Praying for good results.  
He sure has exercised before.  

Bill went to visit Charlie in the hospital, then he picked up Max and they went to St. Charles to pick up a bow string Bruce had ordered for Max.  Later on, Bruce, Max and Bill went to Field and Stream.  Bill left there early to go to the Marine Corp. League Meeting.  He ate a burger there before the meeting.  They sent Charlie home from the hospital.  He wouldn’t let them put in a feeding tube and didn’t want to do what they were telling him.  He was upset because they couldn’t help him.  So home he came.  Praying God helps him decide what the right thing to do is.  

Kenzie called in the afternoon and asked me if I wanted to come over and spend time with her, Peyton and Rehvyn.  Of course, I said yes.  I got ready, then left.  Kenzie called to see where I was and I told her St. Charles.  Then she called again and I was on her road almost to her house. We visited for a few minutes,  and then went to McDonalds and I got the girls  McFlurries, They both wanted Oreo with extra Oreos.  Kenzie laughed because they asked if I wanted to use my Mobile App, and I said no, but I want to use a code.  Silly me....the code is on my phone app.  We went to get her small propane tank filled after that.  Kenzie surprised me and brought me out cinnamon roasted almonds.  I tried some on the way  back to her house.  I couldn’t just eat one, I will tell you that much.  Those girls wouldn’t let me carry Rehvyn in in his carseat and wouldn’t let me carry the propane tank either.  They both carried everything.   I held Rehvyn for a long time and played with him, then Kenzie came and got him so I could play Guess Who with Peyton.

We played about 3 games.  It was fun with family because we could ask questions like,  Who would swim at Aunt Debbies for her Bavarian Party.  I played 3 games with Kenzie too.  It was amazing how much fun it was.  Kenzie and Peyton played after that and I got Rehvyn back.  I got to feed him his bottle which he drank super fast.  He loves being able to eat bananas, carrots, and the good tasing baby foods.  He sucked on his silicone fruit holder for a long time and loved it.   He was so excited when he saw it. Kenzie made delicious spaghetti for us.  It was so goo and so was the fruit drink she made and gave me.  They sure were good to their nana and made me very happy.   I left around 6:30 and headed home.  I sure had fun!  I sat outside for a while, then talked to Melissa out there and decided it was too hot and muggy out there and came in the house where it was cool.  Bill got home and we reclined on our loveseat recliners and I caught up on his day..     


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