Friday, June 7, 2024

6/7/24, Kimmy, Adam, and Eli came over, Vikki, Peyton and Rehvyn came over, Vikki picked up an amazing bench for my flower garden, Kimmy and Bill power washed decks, went with the Russell kids and grandkids to Culver’s

Vikki called me in the morning and showed me this bench and asked if I wanted her to get it for me for $20.  I told her yes, but didn’t want her to have to go through all that trouble.  She said she didn’t mind. 
This is after Kimmy power washed it and the boys carried it to the garden.  It is absolutely beautiful!  It is cement and really heavy.

Kimmy took this of me and Rehvyn on the bench looking at the goldfish
Vikki took this picture at the same time from the other direction
Peyton and Eli hanging out
Eli, Peyton and Rehvyn.  Peyton sure is good with Rehvyn.  She loves him so much.
Bill power washing
Kimmy, Jared, Eli, Adam, Jacob and Papa at Culvers
I took this picture and when I was done, Eli said did you look at it Nana.  I did and saw his weird face he was making.  Then I said ha ha, I already got a good one.  
Jared being a little dramatic after we piled all of the trash on his tray while he was away from the table.  He’s acting like he ate all of that.  He is the fun one!
Eli and Jacob had fun trying to arm wrestle.  Adam on his phone in the background.
Adam and Hope...Kimmy sent me this picture from yesterday.
This is the other great find that came with my bench.  It had cracks in it and Kimmy was almost going to set it out by the road.  Then she decided to try to get something and fix it.  It sure turned out great.  It will look amazing when it is dry.  Great job Kimmy and great finds Vikki

Vikki called and asked me about the bench and I hesitated at first because I didn’t want her to have to go through getting it in Frankenmuth.  She wanted to do it though so I said yes.  Was I ever glad.  It looked just amazing after Kimmy power washed it.  It was $20.  Vikki found one on line like it and it was $800.  I have been looking for one.  Leave it to Vikki to find just the perfect one.  My girls are all so amazing with amazing families.  The boys carried it out to the garden for us and the girls leveled a spot for it, then the boys placed it in position.   Kimmy moved some plants around and we all moved some stuff around and took out some stuff that made it too crowed out there.  We all tried it out.  I held Rehvyn on it and showed him the fish.  It is a comfortable little bench.  

After that, Kimmy wanted to power wash the deck.  She is such a hard worker.  I tried to talk her out of it, but she got right at it.  She even knows how to start the power washer.  She did 2/3’s of the deck, then Bill came home and took over the job.  He did the pool deck too.  Everything look so nice.  I can’t wait to get staining it.  Have to let it dry for 48 hours (72 hours where it’s in shade).  The boys and Peyton were so helpful moving stuff off from the deck.  Vikki was at her doctor’s appointment.  We got to watch Rehvyn.  He fell asleep and took a short nap.  He was happy and so good as usual.  

We sat on the deck for a while after it warmed up.  I tried to start a fire in the fire pit at first, but it was out of propane.  Kimmy was warm, Vikki was cold and I was in between at Cool.  We used blankets for a while.  Rehvyn fell asleep when I held him in the glider chair.  Vikki had to leave, so we put him in his seat while he was sleeping.  He didn’t even wake up.  They left, then Kimmy and the boys left.  We left right after they did and met them and Jared and Jacob at Culver’s because we wanted to take them out to eat.  Jared pulled in with the jeep and drove right up over the curb to park.  I guess it is a Jeep thing.  We wanted to take Vikki and Peyton too, but Vikki had a friend coming over.  We had fun eating together and visiting.  We got food, then got our sundaes.  Yum.  

We came home and I talked to Vikki, got to see a video of my great niece, (Ahmeh’s) twins, and talked to Melissa a long time.  Texted with Kimmy for a long time too.  Also got to Face Time with Kenzie a couple of times.  What a great family and what a blessed day.


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