Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday, 6/23/24, went to prayer than into church service, went to Olive Garden, got things done at home before we go camping tomorrow, packed some more, went to Jacob’s concert

Matthew when Bill put up the flag for Debbie today
Hailey when  we got back to her house.  The cans in her hand have to go back to Kroger.  She’s going to take Evan with her to do that.
Jacob looking very handsome and playing very well tonight
Peyton, Jacob, Isaac and Eli during intermission
Gayla and I with Jacob in our purple 


I put chlorine in the pool first thing in the morning and ran the filter.  We got over 4 inches of rain, so we thought this was a good idea.  I also put the capful of weekly maintenance stuff in.  I put jelly in the jelly feeders and a scoop of food in the flat feeder, then got ready for church.  We went to our prayer rooms and had good prayer, then went into the church service.  It was a great message today Pastor gave.  

After church, we met Melissa and Hailey at Olive Garden for lunch.  We had fun visiting and enjoyed our food.  Bill ordered Italian donuts and raspberry and chocolate dipping sauce.  We all liked those lots.  We brought food home with us.

We called Marie and Roy on our way home from the Olive Garden.  Marie has had lots of pain in her back the last two days.  She was doing much better today after two ER visits.  We are continuing to pray for her.  They are such a sweet couple.

I went and picked up Hailey and she took her dad’s pop cans back and helped me take mine back.  We have done this for lots of years now.  I love hanging out with her.  We stopped at Jack’s so I could get burger to make chili to take camping and for Bill to have when he is home doing things he needs to get done.  

In the evening, we went to Jacob’s concert.  It was a good thing Kimmy reminded me, because I packed more stuff in the camper and would have forgot about it.  I love going to the Eddy Band Concert and watching and listening to Jacob play.  They all sound just amazing.  I always love seeing Jacob during intermission and talking to him.  Wes, Gayla and Joel are always there too which is fun.  Vikki, Peyton,  & Isaac came too.  And of course Jared,  Kimmy and Eli.  So fun to hang out together and listen to great music. Sweatshirts were needed tonight as it was a cool evening with the wind blowing and no sun shining on us.  Vikki shared her mentos and juicy candies with everyone.  

When we got home, I made chili and cooked up extra burger to take along to make goulash with while camping.  

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