Thursday, June 27, 2024

Friday, 6/28/24 , rained off and on, got new tent, set it up, went for a walk, Isaac built a fire, played dice

Pictures Isaac took of The Russell farm with his drone.  Bo has a nice walking path lol!
Tent we bought today for kids to stay in. Me trying it out!
Peyton, Papa and Isaac on our walk and their bike

Bill by our campd
Picture Kenzie sent of Rehvyn!
Isaac by the fire he started  for us 
Papa and Peyton 
Isaac doing what he loves…flying his drone!  He is so good at it
Peyton on her tablet

Bill, Vikki, the kids and I tried setting our old tent up. We got it up and realized the cover that goes over the tent was missing.  We threw that tent away and Vikki, Peyton and I went to Northwoods to get a new tent.  We came back and set it up. It’s a 4 person tent.  It’s just the right size! I sent a picture to show Hailey where her and Breanna would be camping.  

Bill, Vikki and I walked and the kids ride their bikes to the dumpster to get the bag to our old tent so we would have a bigger one for this tent if we need it.  It rained off and on all day.  No leaks in the tent!  
Isaac built a nice fire for us and we sat by it for a while. Then we came in and all played dice! Bill won and I got up to 10,000 on my next shake.

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