Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 2024, No raccoon last night, went on Kevin Beemer Memorial Ride, Vikki picked me up so I could leave early, Bill stayed for the drawing, went back to pick up his winnings, tried to watch the K Love Fan Awards but only found short videos.

The peonies I moved 2 years ago are blossoming again this year
My bubbler is sure bubbling good now that Kimmy rubberbanded a rock to it.
Rehvyn loves the suction toy I got for him
He’s always smiling.  I love him so much!
Lots of bikes and bikers showed up for Kevin’s memorial ride
Bill raising the flag

Kevin’s daughter, Jordon,  speaking on behalf of the family.....his son, Kyle is in the dark shirt to Jordon’s right, then on the end are his son Iain and daughter Meredith

Elaine doing the Bike Blessing
Bill, Meredith, me and Iain

Donuts and coffee inside

Bill and I

Kimmy and Jared’s Gazebo with the lights on.  It’s all done and we got rain and nothing leaked Kimmy said.  Yay!

On our ride

I got up early and filled the feeders and put them back up.  No raccoon last night, so everything else was in place.  I put the glass dish bird bath back up too.  That’s another thing the raccoon always knocks off the stand.  Glad it hasn’t broken.  I came in the house and made my coffee and had cereal.  Then I got ready to go to our friend, Kevin's, who passed away at 51 years of age, Memorial Ride.  He was remembered and honored.  He was a great friend and he mentored with Bill to take over being president of the Saginaw Chapter.  He did a great job as president.   There was a great turn out.  We loved getting to see Kevin’s kids and spend time with them.  Meredith and Iain stayed by us and talked for a long time.  
We are making plans to go to Olive Garden together to eat and catch up some more.  Elaine, Don, Cheryl, Mark and Marty and Bill and I were the CMA people there.  Bill and I went on the ride and had fun.  We rode with Don, Elaine, and Jerry.  Other groups were not far ahead that we ran into and visited with.  We ate lunch at the Riverside Cafe in St. Louis.  We all got the appetizer 5 piece chicken tenders, except Don who got a turkey wrap.  We made 3 other stops after that. and hung out at two parks.  

We got back and ate around 5.  The food was good, but the band was way too noisy.  We couldn’t hear each other, so could only talk when the band stopped.  Elaine left on her bike, and I texted Vikki to see what she was doing.  She came and picked me up and took me home.  Bill waited to see if he won the corn hole game he bid on in the silent auction.  I got a phone call after I got home from him saying he won.  I went back in the truck to pick them up.  Iain came and knocked on the passenger side window and motioned for me to put my window down.  I did and he just wanted to tell me goodbye again.  He has always had a special place in my heart.  

I went and got money out of the bank for our niece, Molly Jo’s, graduation party tomorrow up by Traverse City, in Ellsworth.  I’m looking forward to seeing my sister, Brenda and family.  

I talked to Melissa for a while, then Kimmy face timed us to show us their lights hung on their gazebo.  It looks beautiful.  Adam was laying on the swing enjoying the fire.  He was telling us hi.   Jack was spending the night with Eli and Kimmy said they were outside somewhere.

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