Friday, June 28, 2024

6/29/24, Sat., Everyone came up to the to celebrate the 4th and watch f

.5 selfie with Breanna and Hailey

 Hailey and Brianna came up in the morning.  Hailey didn’t want to miss her Bible study or they would have come last night.  They got their stuff in the tent. I gave them a table and a lantern for in it. Bill ran an electrical cord in for them.  Kenzie and Rehvyn got here shortly after.  Vikki got Rehvyn out of his car seat.  We all took turns holding him with Hailey getting more than her fair share.  I love watching how good she is with him and how she’s quick to change his diaper or do anything to help.  He is so loved by all of us! Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam and Eli came and we all ate lunch.  Melissa, Bruce and the boys came a while later.  They brought Vader and Badger too!  The kids all had fun together hanging out, riding bikes, walking and swimming.  We adults had fun hanging out together too.  Vikki and I made sliced potatoes and grilled them.  Bill cooked the hotdogs perfectly! They were so good.  We also had baked beans, sliced cucumbers and chips.  We had sugar cookies and Oreos for dessert.  We were going to have ice cream sandwiches but they weren’t frozen in the freezer for some reason!  Everything else was frozen hard. 

Kenzie, Jacob, Adam, Hailey had fun swimming in the evening.  We all went down by the lake and watched the fireworks. Isaac took amazing pictures of the fireworks.  

Peyton and Brianna slept in the tent.  They got cold because it got down in the mid 40’s.  They should have taken the blankets and heater I offered them.  

It was such a nice and fun day! I love my family!

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