Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sat., 6/22/24, Cornhole at Wes and Gayla’s cancelled, packed camper, shopped with Melissa, went to Charlie and Sue’s, went to Wes and Gayla's

Cute picture Kenzie posted
Hailey...Bruce picked up their camper from our house this morning
Beautiful bird bath Vikki made for me.  I love it!  Thank you so much Vikki!
Peyton is such a good Aunt to our baby boo!
We watched a mom and her fawn at Wes and Gayla’s tonight while we were there

Gayla called before we go up and told me that the Cornhole RFS fundraiser at their house was cancelled because they don’t have power.  Consumers said it was from trees falling down after all the rain we got yesterday.  Glad to know not to start the baked beans.  I had already made banana pudding dessert to take to the potluck.  I just slept a little longer instead of getting up.  When I heard Bill getting up then I got up.  I took care of the bird feeders that needed to be drained of water from the 3 1/4 inches of rain we got yesterday and last night.  Took care of a jelly feeder that was loaded with water too.  They one that is covered was fine.  I went out by the camper and saw lots of weeds coming in the cracks of the cement.  I pulled one out and it was so easy because of so much rain, that I did the whole row.  I just left the weeds laying there because I didn’t bring anything out to put them in.  They were in front of Bruce’s camper and I had the thought that he might pick up his camper then decided he wouldn’t today and left the pile of weeds in front of it.  Bill went to the Marine Corp. League breakfast, then took my car in for its 10,000 mile oil change.  When he got home with my car, I loaded the stuff I had packed in clothes baskets in the car.  Packed all of the refrigerator and freezer stuff. I put it away in the camper, then went and picked up Melissa to go shopping for our free over the counter stuff.  I got a big hug from Evan, Jack and Hailey before leaving to go shop.  We went to Walgreen’s first, then to Walmart.  We both got our stuff.  We had a couple of good laughs during our adventure.  I don’t know why that partition in the Pharmacy jumped in front of me lol.  Then when we checked out it seemed like they sure had the self checkout backwards....the bagging area was first, then the screen, then a flat area.  The thing dinged twice when you scanned the barcode too.  Very weird.  

When I took Melissa home, there was their camper in there driveway.  Bruce did pick it up. 
The pile of weeds was still where I put it when I got home, so it must not have been in the way.  I loaded more stuff in the camper and got more stuff ready.  In the evening we went to drop off some banana cream pudding dessert to Charlie and Sue and also took some to Wes and Gayla.  Sue thought it would be something Charlie would really like and could get down easy.  We took Wes and Gayla a collapsible ottoman for their camper too.  They commented on how they liked ours and wanted to get one.  We found a nice one at Camping World for a great price.  They were very happy to get it.  We enjoyed some of Gayla’s homemade banana cake and coffee while we visited.  It was so nice to visit with Joel too and get our big hugs.  We got caught up on things after not seeing each other for about a month.  We enjoyed watching deer in their yard too.  One was in the front yard and a mom and fawn were in the back yard.  We had fun!  We sure have great friends.  Gayla showed me the special card she picked out for Max for his graduation.  She and Bill’s sister Carol had kind of the same idea to make it special for him. 

We came home and I read my Bible.  Bill had read his before we went to Wes and Gayla’s.  
Vikki and I had some laughs in the evening when she called me.  I actually talked to her quite a few times.  She sent me a video of Kenzie when she was 9 days older than Rehvyn is now.  Sure reminds me of Rehvyn in it.  It is of me popping up and saying Boo and Kenzie just laughing over and over again.  She sure was a sweet baby.

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