Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday, 6/3/24, didn’t catch a raccoon, weeded new garden and edged part of it, sat on the deck and watched birds, put chemicals in pool dispenser, Max and Bruce came over, did some shopping

Peyton with her highlighted hair Vikki did.  She looks so pretty! 
Eli and Isaac in the backseat.  They stopped by to see if I wanted to go to Kimmy’s with them.  I couldn’t because we had to get ready to plant the garden tomorrow, and we had to put the chemicals in the pool, which meant we had to be hear for the 3 different steps.  I sure wanted to though.  
Bruce, bill and Max by the table they are making
The pool after step one was done
The pool after step three was done.  We are waiting to do step two til morning
Some pictures Vikki took today...Jared and the kids , Eli, Peyton and Isaac
Peyton above with a new kitten and El
Eli, Peyton and Isaac holding the kittens

I got up at 7:30 and went out to check the trap, but didn’t catch a raccoon.  I hung all of the feeders back out.  Then I put the cushions on the swings and chairs.  I ate my oatmeal and drank my coffee outside.  Kit Kat joined me of course.  I watched birds and was sad to see sparrows going in the bluebird house.  There were 3 cracked egg shell laying in the dirt not far from the birdhouse.  I sure would like to know what happened exactly.  I was sad not to see the bluebirds sitting on the house and the feeder out there.   I got a blanket because it was a little chilly and I read my Bible out on the deck too.  Bill got up at 8:30 and got ready to go have coffee with Charlie.  My ring doorbell went off and I saw that Eli, Peyton, and Isaac were at the door.  Vikki stopped in with them to. check and see if I wanted to go to Kimmy’s with them.  I said yes at first and said I would drive myself and leave earlier.  Then I started thinking about the garden and also about the pool and changed my mind.  I knew we had to get those two jobs started.  It rained Saturday night and Sunday morning, so we have to wait for Bill to till the garden.  I raked my flower garden with the 4 prong rake.  It is so nice how easy it is now since we don’t have that clay any more.  I edged about 1/4 way around it.  It was getting pretty warm out.  I called Bill to see if he was getting home soon so we could start the pool.  I didn’t want to fill it the last little bit and turn it on and have the hoses leak without him here to fix them.  He came home and we started step one.  It had to run through the filter 1 1/2 hours.  I fixed spaghetti and we ate while we were waiting.  We did the next step and put the chlorine in the dispenser.  We were going to go to Boehlers' to get our plants for the garden and some flowers.  Bruce and Max came over and wanted to work on the table they making.  It is turning out so nice.  I went to Aldi and Walmart and got more grape jelly and some other things.  I saw my hummingbird again today!  This time it was at the big feeder.  Kimmy called and talked to me for a while.  Vikki and the kids were enjoying their time there with her and really liked the gazebo and swings.  We finally put the third bottle of chemicals in at 9:30.  The maintenance chlorine will go in in the morning and usually lasts about 1 1/2 months.  Now we have to put the solar cover on posts and put straps on and connect it to the reel.  That will be a job for tomorrow or the next day.  


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