Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday, June 2,, 2024, went to prayer, then church service it was “Celebration Sunday”, after church went to Taco Bell, then home for a while , then to Ellsworth for Molly Jo’s graduation party.

Our trip up to Ellsworth was beautiful!

Loved it when we started seeing Muladore for Sheriff signs in yards. I was actually taking a picture of a sign close, but luckily there was another sign in the next yard.  That’s why it’s so far away lol.
Molly Jo at her graduation party
Sara, Max, Molly and Matt
Bill taking a picture of me and my two sisters.  He showed us this picture of him when he asked if we wanted to see it. He took a selfie instead.  Such a silly guy!  
Me, Jody and Brenda. This is the picture of us he actually took.
Front Row… Holly, Dominic, John, Aubrey, Mallory, Second row…James, Jody, Sarah, Jo, Brenda

Hailey sent me these pictures of her and Ally!  They became best friends in preschool

We went to prayer, then into church service.  Prayer was awesome and it was Celebration Sunday so seeing all the graduates, dedications, new members and a baptism was wonderful.  We prayed over Pastor Dan’s son Isaac afterwards. We celebrated with delicious cookies after church while we visited with friends.  We left and went to Taco Bell for something light to hold us over.  Came home, read our Bibles.  I looked at my hummingbird suction cup feeder in my kitchen window and saw my first hummingbird.  I didn’t have time to get my phone an take a picture.  We had to leave then and headed up to Ellsworth to Molly Jo’s graduation party.  We talked to Vikki for a while on our way up, then to Peyton and then Vikki again.  We stopped at a small art fair, then at a Family Fare for Bill to get mints like Vikki Gave him in church.  We got to the party at 4:30. Molly was at the  door and greeted us.  Then my sister Brenda came and greeted us and told us where the food was and where family was sitting.  Sara Jo and her family were at the food table so we said hi and hugged there. Then we went and got in line and Holly and John were there so hugged them and visited.  We ate and Brenda came and sat with us. Then Dave came, then Mat came and sat by us too.  Brian came and talked for a while too.  Then we went over and visited with my sister Jody and our nephew James.  We got to meet their little Dominic who is 18 months old already.  Their kids are so cute and so are Sara Jo’s.  We visited and took pictures.  People were inside and out so we missed getting pictures of some family members and when we talked to Molly Jo we didn’t even think to take a picture with her.  I liked that Jacob had a picture space set up so we had a picture of him with everyone.  That was a really good idea Kimmy had.   

We said goodbye to everyone and then we left for home.  Kenzie called me and I talked to her for a while.  It was such a nice ride home too.  I worked on my blog and got most of it done.  We stopped for gas in West Branch and I drove the rest of the way home.   

I set the trap to catch the raccoon when I got home and put all the feeders away.  A big branch fell off after I finished putting them away and was skimming the pool.  Nothing was hanging on it though and I couldn’t even figure out where it fell from.  

I walked out and pulled some tiny weeds out of the flower garden.  Came in and sat in my recliner next to Bill and relaxed.  It was a fun day!

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