Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tues., 6/4/24, Hot day, 87 degrees, in the morning filled feeders, no raccoon again last night, got vegetable plants, seeds and flowers from Boehlers,

Planted two Lantana Plants in the garden, an orange one and a white one.  Bill is in the background picking up grass

Red Breasted Grossbeak at the jelly feeder.  I’m amazed at how many birds like jelly.

We slept in until 8:30.  I went outside to see if a raccoon had did any damage to the feeders and there wasn’t any evidence of a raccoon at all, even in the trap.  I sat outside and drank my coffee.  I just drank a protein drink before going to my doctor appt.  It went well and the planter’s wart is gone and no more pain.  My friend, Debbie, prayed for it at prayer last Tuesday and I never had any pain after that.  I stopped at Melissa’s after my appt.  I called her and was reminding her that we need to get our free over the counter stuff before the end of the month.  We were deciding on a day, and it jogged her memory that Evan got out at noon today when she said she was going to the fun fair tonight.  We hung up quick so she could get going.  

I did catch another chipmunk today that I took to live with his relatives by the river.  Two more were playing under the tree, but I didn’t catch them.  Hopefully tomorrow they will wander in the trap.  

Bill and I went to Boehler’s and picked up our plants and seeds for the garden, plus the flowers for my pots on the porch.  While he finished mowing the yard, I planted the plants in  the pots on the deck and planted some in the flower garden too.  Bill tilled the garden again after he was done with the grass.  He called me on his phone to bring him water, which I did quickly.  I read my Bible on the deck, after I blew it off with the rechargeable blower.  I did the sidewalks too and the stepping stones in the garden.  I transplanted some hens and chicks into containers too, and added to my hens and chicks big planter.  I took some things out to the motor home to put away, but will do that on a cooler day.  We cancelled our camping trip this weekend.  Bill had to get the front tire replaced as we noticed it was making a funny noise on our ride on Saturday.  He took it off and took it in today.  He saved $100 taking the tire off himself.  Yay!  

I talked with Vikki and Melissa a couple of times today.  FaceTimed with Vikki.  She always has good finds to show me that the Lord blesses her with.  

Bill hollered out to me while I was sitting on the swing on the deck.  He wanted to know why Kit Kat was laying on our bed.  I didn’t know why.  She snuck in on one of us.  I was thankful she was at the end of the bed when he found her, and not on his side by his pillow.  That would have really freaked him out, lol.  

We relaxed and had cashews and M & M’s for a snack in the evening.


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