Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday, 6/21/24, Went to Meijer, Sam’s Club and Aldi, saw Bill volunteering at Sam’s Club, Charlie was able to eat some today, Kimmy, Adam, Eli, Vikki, Melissa, Evan and Jack came over,

Isaac and Peyton are having so much fun at Kenzie’s with her and Rehvyn
Adam trying out the new toy Vikki found for the pool.  He had the pool all to himself
Jack...I was just going to get a picture of Jack, Evan and Eli in the pool and it thundered and they had to get out
The boys had fun playing ping pong
Jack and Evan playing the Guess Who game with our pictures in it as replacements.  Melissa and Eli watching
Jack, Eli with a big smile for once (he hasn’t been smiling lately in lots of my pictures) and Evan
Roger and Bill volunteering to raise money for the Marine Corp. League at Sam’s Club.  

I went to get groceries for our camping trip.  Went to Meijer first, then went to Sam’s Club to see Bill when he started volunteering.  I talked to him and Roger for a while, then went in and shopped.  Thought to myself that I needed to take a picture of them when I went out, which I forgot to do.  I talked to them, made a donation and completely forgot to take the picture.  I did tell Vikki that her dad was going to be there volunteering.  She went to see him and took the picture I put on this blog.  I was so happy when I saw it.  

I called Kimmy to see where she was, and she was at the 7-11 right by my house.  She got to my house about 5 minutes before I got home.  Vikki came next.  She was by herself because Peyton and Isaac were at Kenzie’s.  We FaceTimed with them a few times during the day.  
The kids sure are having fun there.   I brought groceries in while Kimmy did an amazing job trimming my lilac bush in front that had gotten too big and bushy.  Adam and Eli hauled the branches to the fire pit for her.  It was very hot and muggy out.  We came in the house and had coffee and muffins.  Adam went for a swim by himself.  We watched him through the window while we ate.  Vikki took out the big toy she found and he tried it out.   He got done swimming and changed.  Then Melissa, Jack and Evan got here.  Jack, Eli and Evan got ready and went in the pool.  They had just got in and it thundered out, so they all had to get out.  I didn’t even get the picture I was going to take.  Evan helped me cover the pool before he got out.  It is easy when someone in pulls it while in the pool.  Melissa, Vikki, Kimmy, Jack and I sat out under the gazebo while it was raining.  Then it started pouring, so we came in the house.  We all took turns playing the Guess Who game with our pictures.  It was so fun playing and watching others play it.  Melissa and the kids had to leave because they had to get ready to go to Luke’s graduation party tonight.  Kimmy, Vikki, Eli and I went to Warmbler’s to look at their cement figurines.  There were lots of cool ones.  We went inside after that.  I hadn’t been there since going with my mom and sisters years ago.  This place had so many amazing things inside it.  It was so much fun looking at everything.  They closed at 5, so we need to go back sometime soon.  It rained more when I got home.  We got around 3 inches in our rain gauge.  Lots of down pours til night time.  

I talked to Sue, and Charlie was able to eat a little food today and also drank two Boost drinks.  I was so happy to hear that.  Keeping him in prayer lots.  


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