Sunday, June 30, 2024

Monday, 7/1/24, Kimmy, Adam And Eli came up for the day

Adam was the score keeper when he, Kimmy and I played dice.  
Isaac, Eli and Peyton at the pool
Vikki and Lucy watching birds
Hailey reading her Bible when she was here Sat morning 
Hailey loves sunsets
So does Isaac

We slept in, then ate breakfast.  Vikki and I laid in the hammocks.  Kimmy and the boys got here.  The boys and Peyton rode their bike’s around the campground.  Kimmy and I walked around the campground.  We met Adam who was also walking around the campground.  He walked with us for a couple of minutes then went by himself so he could walk faster and get exercise.
We ate leftover hotdogs and potatoes for lunch. Then we girls sat in the shade at the pool and watched the kids swim.  We hung around at our campsite for a while and the kids rode their bikes more.  Kimmy, Adam and I played a game of dice.  I was the winner!  Kimmy and I went for another walk around the campground while Vikki took a nap in her he hammock.  We visited back at the campsite until Kimmy left at around 8.  Isaac started a campfire for us.  We sat around the fire for a while, then came into the camper and played dice.  Peyton was the winner.  Read my Bible and went to bed.  It sure was a fun day!

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