Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday, 6/24/24, packed and left for Outdoor Adventures at 2, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac got to campground shortly after we did. I took Bill back for Elders meeting, went back to campground, had chili, relaxed in hammocks, played 3-13

My flower garden looked beautiful this morning 

Isaac took beautiful pictures of the campground his drone

Two great camping buddies
Peyton crocheting 
Isaac setting up my hammock stand
Lucy loves camping 

Ha ha, we were playing with Lauren Daigle.  There’s always lots of laughs and fun with Vikki, Peyton and Isaac 

Vikki came over at 8 a.m.  I had just got up.  She brought her stuff to put in the camper.  I went out with her.  After she left, I filled bird feeders, moved and watered plants.  Moved them under the mesh gazebo so they will be shaded most of the day and still get watered if it rains.  Bill fixed my bike tires and put the bike rack on the back of the camper, then we put the slide out in and left for Standish.   I helped put the outside carpets down and stake them.   Then Bill finished the outside I worked on getting stuff in the inside ready.  Vikki got here and she unloaded her stuff.  I had to take Bill back for his meeting.  I packed a few things I forgot, then fed the fish and left.  When I got back to the camper, Vikki had everything put away and organized, plus hung 3 hooks we needed hung.  She was relaxing in the hammock.   Isaac got my hammock and stand out of my car and set it up for me.  So nice he can do that for us now.  I warmed up chili and we all ate.  Then Vikki and I relaxed in the hammocks.  It was perfect weather for it.  We came in and played 3-13.  We were all tired so we stopped after the 9 round and will finish tomorrow.  

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